I surrender.


Well-Known Member
You people have finally convinced me that Wonko the sane was right. The entire world has gone totally mad. The final proof:

Josie aged 8... born a boy named Joey

JOSIE Romero looks and acts like any other eight-year-old girl - but was born a BOY named Joey.

At FOUR she insisted to her parents: "I am really a girl." At FIVE she was refusing to have her hair cut. And at SIX she had been diagnosed as transgender.

Now her sex has been legally changed and with the help of drugs and surgery she will grow up to be a woman.

Mum Venessia, 42, said: "As a toddler she wrapped up her army figures and rocked them like a baby.

"As she started to talk, she'd say, 'I'm a girl'. We used to correct her and say, 'No you're a boy'.

"By the time she was four she was insisting, 'No, I really am a girl'."

At the time Venessia and hubby Joseph, an engineer in the US airforce, were living on a base in Japan. They adopted a Chinese girl aged two - and Josie loved playing with her AND her toys.

When Josie was 5½ a paediatrician referred her to a gender specialist and the family began accepting her as a girl.

Joseph admitted: "I had mourned the loss of my son. When I came to terms with it, I knew I had gained a daughter."

But not everything went smoothly - with daily protests outside the base's school. Since the family returned to Vail, Arizona, last year Josie and her sister Jade have been schooled at home.

Josie's birth certificate, passport and even her social security number have been changed to show her as a girl.

She will be given drugs to prevent male adolescence and, at 12, get female hormones. And she understands she will need surgery as an adult to become a full woman.

Josie - now a spokesperson for transgender children - said: "I am happy everyone knows I am a real girl, and that I don't have to pretend to be a boy any more."

The family are one of several featured at 9pm on Monday in Channel 4's BodyShock documentary Age 8 And Wanting A Sex Change.

The case echoes that of a boy of 12 in Southern England, revealed last month by The Sun. He returned to school from holidays as a girl after his parents changed his name by deed poll.


Not withstanding the obvious insanity of adults letting a 4 year old dictate to them, a 'gender specialist?' makes a ruling (for life) on a 5.5 year old???? The best course of action for this child (starting at age 5.5) is to cross dress, then suppress natural puberty in favour of a test tube one, then submit to radical surgery deforming a healthy male body into a defective pseudo-female one (and since a doctor diagnosed it, probably on the public dime) ... all based on what? A psych exam of a preschooler? This from the same 'medical profession' that claims it can reform criminals, cure pedophiles, and plumb the depths of the human mind ... they can't reverse a gender confusion that's less than 4 years old?

What ever happened to 'Doctor, do no harm"?
There's XX, there's XY and then there's a whole whack in between...including XXY, XXXY, XYY etc... Just ask that nice sprinter. Female external genitals, no ovaries, no uterus and undescended testes. Is she actually a he without a penis?

The correct term is intersexuality (used to be trans-gendered but that referred to those exactly between both sexes).

If there is a conflict identifying the sex of a newborn (has both external genitalia) the usual method was to surgically remove one based on the wishes of the parents.
If there is no conflict where external genitalia is concerned, the child is raised as the identified sex.
The main problem arises when there is a conflict between their physical visible appearance and their gender identity, or their visible sex and their genetic or biological sex.

Probably why they went to go see a gender specialist. To check the genetic sex and see if the kid was actually a "healthy male".

Doing it on a 5yr old based on the child's self-identity and a genetic test beats doing it on a newborn based solely on the parent's wishes for one sex over another, eh.
I'm sure Caster Semenya felt that she was a woman...she'd been raised as such and resembled one on the outside, and she'd gone through puberty. I doubt that she's going to go for gender reassignment...she is a woman on the inside (between the ears).
You people have finally convinced me that Wonko the sane was right. The entire world has gone totally mad. The final proof:

More like the latest proof supporting the theory.

I have hope in some humans, long lost is the hope in humanity.
I dunno... A lot of girls (myself included) were pretty darned tom-boyish when we were lil'. My mum couldn't keep a dress on me to save my life, and I got into more fights than my lil' brother ever did.
My sister got tossed from school for wearing pants to school the first time.
My mom got the rule change with that incident, at that school.
I was in 3rd grade at the time there.

See I grew up in a different era. ;)