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  1. woodman19_99

    So anyway

    Just trying to help... that's all we got, and personally, I think it's all we need...
  2. woodman19_99

    Reality bites sometimes, especially when it hits close to home.....

    I am sorry to hear that man. I'd like to say something to try and boost your spirits, but frankly, I am pretty sure that would be impossible. I offer my condolonces to you and your family.
  3. woodman19_99

    So anyway

    Spike, it looks like AUP is linked in the upper right corner... between "Quick Links" and "Log Out". That seems pretty easy to me, but i have been here for a little bit so i guess i am used to seeing it...
  4. woodman19_99

    Something different to argue about

    Dammit! I was hoping you'd be delirious or something this morning and take the deal! It's fair, I swear it! Think of all the wonderful ummm, stuff, you'll get with the New's!
  5. woodman19_99


    COuld using the product get the jingle out of my head?
  6. woodman19_99

    Something different to argue about

    Alright, I'll offer NY and NJ for Florida and.... hmmmmmm Georgia
  7. woodman19_99

    Something different to argue about

    wiki since i know SnP loves both links and wiki so much.....:D
  8. woodman19_99

    Something different to argue about

    That must be version 2.0 of New England. I am still using 1.0 (the original is always the best).
  9. woodman19_99

    Something different to argue about

    Well, we need to send you some updated maps there SnP. I'll highlight what is considered New England. We don't want nuthin to do with NY or NJ, so if ya wouldn't mind unlumping them from your version of New England, it'd be much appreciated.
  10. woodman19_99


    I HATE THOSE FRIGGIN COMMERCRIALS!!! During Jepordy (sp?) and Wheel of Fortune every night! "Apply directly to the forehead" "Directly to the forehead?" "No you f'ng ass clown, to your armpits! Didn't you hear us the first 30 times we friggin said it???"* *that last line...
  11. woodman19_99

    Something different to argue about

    Ummmm, just to clarify, Delaware is not and has never really been considered part of New England... But either way, that story sucks... good thing the only time i get near delaware is driving through on my to and from DC.
  12. woodman19_99


    stumbles to the toilet and takes a good 20 minute piss while letting out a huge :fart:, which feels like the best thing in the world at the time?
  13. woodman19_99

    Ambulance Accident

    Alright, so to add to his story, i guess the siren was on. But in NYC, you kind of get immune to them, sad as that may be... does that affect the outcome?
  14. woodman19_99

    Ambulance Accident

    One of my co workers came in to day claiming he was almost run down by an ambulance with its lights on. This sparked several discussions on the following questions: Does the ambulance have to stop to help you? What if there is someone already in the back and it's life or death? Do they stop...
  15. woodman19_99

    damn email

    Wait, so you downloaded it, which means it should be off their servers, no? At that point, it seems they have no say over what you decide to do with the e-mail. How on earth does it affect them?
  16. woodman19_99

    Patriots may have been cheating!

    Ya know darn well I was just trying to get that response out of you! :D I know that it's not cheating on the same level, or even close to it, but I just had to see your response!
  17. woodman19_99

    Patriots may have been cheating!

    Well mark, let's think about something else: Every time a penalty flag is thrown for say, holding, those people are trying to cheat too. Yeah, I know you're gonna compare the levels on which they were cheating, but hey, cheating is cheating, right? (can't wait for this response...)
  18. woodman19_99

    Patriots may have been cheating!

    That was way out of line. That just brought into question all my family and friends, so shove it up your ass. As for Brady, he actually asked to leave camp to see the baby but was not allowed to. Also, he wanted to go see the birth or at least be there for it, but Gisele (sp?) was having a...
  19. woodman19_99

    NFL week 2

    I couldn't be happier that he is signed through 2013. And one minor difference with Vick: What he did was ILLEGAL! Does not matter if it was related to football or not. Belicheck did nothing illegal. Immoral, yes. but not illegal.
  20. woodman19_99

    NFL week 2

    Yeah, not so much!