
Luis G

Staff member
What's the first thing a donkey does when the sun comes out?

*hopes the answer translates good ;)
stumbles to the toilet and takes a good 20 minute piss while letting out a huge :fart:, which feels like the best thing in the world at the time?
more like shah-dow

But yeah, it didn't translate well, anyway, objects don't do shadows, they cast them, right? :confuse3:
A king who is about to die wants to leave his kingdom to one of his twin sons. Since he can't decide which one he comes up with a plan.
He gets his two sons together and tells them to bring thier fastest horses to the center of town. They meet and the king tells them the winner of the race will be come king, but winner will be decided by who's horse crosses the line second. The boys are told to go to the end of town then back. They just sit there. hours go by and neither of the prince's has moved an inch. a wise old man comes walking by and ask the boys what they are doing. They dismount off their horses and tell the old man about the race. The old man them whispers something to the boys and they both run back to the horses and take off.

What did the old man say to the boys?
A fireman is running to get a net under a lady who looks like she might jump off the balcony of her 20 story apartment building. There is nothing below her except a 20 story fall. The fireman is still 100 yards away when she falls and can't nearly get there in time. The woman is not hurt more than a bruise. How is that possible?