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  1. Cerise

    libyan resistance starts drafting documents

    Regime Change?? When will 0bozo step down??
  2. Cerise

    libyan resistance starts drafting documents

    Golly. What is your definition of "substantiate"?
  3. Cerise

    libyan resistance starts drafting documents

    Golly. I never would have guessed you would have said that! Here's a couple more: Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels CIA Deploys to Libya as White House Authorizes Direct Assistance to Rebels “Either you are with us and with the terrorists or you are...
  4. Cerise

    libyan resistance starts drafting documents

    Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links US paves way to arm Libyan rebels Let me guess your response. :sleep:
  5. Cerise

    libyan resistance starts drafting documents

    Yes!! Hussein would be arming anti-American radicals............where are the protests over this?? The war-mongering cowboy!!
  6. Cerise

    libyan resistance starts drafting documents

    Don't worry about their alkada ties: Let's supply them with arms!!
  7. Cerise

    One of biggest proponents of Obamacare wants waiver for his city

    Hello!! One ringy dingy........
  8. Cerise

    One of biggest proponents of Obamacare wants waiver for his city

    0bamacare has been found unconstitutional by a federal judge in FL. The entire law has been struck down, and the gov is is defying the ruling by proceeding to implement it before an appeal has been heard.
  9. Cerise

    No link between mercury and heart disease

    The ones who claim that mercury fillings are bad for you.
  10. Cerise

    fat kid pwns upstart
  11. Cerise

    sarah gettin' saggy

    Palin Derangement Syndrome has taken over poor lil' minks' mind!!
  12. Cerise

    sarah gettin' saggy

    When the media starts running stories on how Palin is the best nominee for the job then you will know that they think she hasn't a chance. Stories about the polls that say how far her popularity is sinking are the left's acknowledgement they realize she is a threat. They don't want to...
  13. Cerise


    Never let a good crisis go to waste! Oh, hell I forget: who was it here that used to say "the sky is falling, the sky is falling??
  14. Cerise

    Sharia Law rears its ugly head ...

  15. Cerise

    Sharia Law rears its ugly head ...

    Re: Sharia Law is better for you :evilsmok:
  16. Cerise

    government programs are always bad

    Chain of Foos:
  17. Cerise

    Govt Motors to "Investigate" Toyota

    Huh? Driver Error? Does that mean Toyota will get the fines they paid back?
  18. Cerise

    Judge BanHammers Interior Dept. in Contempt

    Drill baby, drill!!
  19. Cerise

    So is this place dead or what?

    :brow: And to prove that I am a 'she' is a pic of my boobys: