Judge BanHammers Interior Dept. in Contempt


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Judge Holds Interior Dept. in Contempt Over Ban

Judge in La. holds Interior Department in contempt over offshore oil drilling moratorium

The federal judge who struck down the Obama administration's moratorium on deepwater drilling after the Gulf oil spill held the Interior Department in contempt Wednesday, and ordered the federal agency to pay attorneys' fees for several offshore oil companies.

U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman chided the department for its "dismissive conduct" after he overturned the agency's decision to halt any new permits for deepwater projects and suspend drilling on 33 exploratory wells after the Deepwater Horizon blast, which killed 11 workers and triggered the massive spill.

After Feldman overturned the government's moratorium in June, the agency issued a second nearly identical suspension.

ABC News

We don't need no stinkin' judiciary

The regimes contempt for the non-existent 3rd branch knows no bounds

Our rigs are all gone and won't be back
but the Cong and Chicoms are drillin' like mad.
maybe not so simple. see we need to get off oil, and then destabilize a few select places to send the price of oil through the roof and fuck them chinezers.
a transition from oil would be a lot easier if the admin would back Pickens, and
ease restrictions like they were looking at over a year ago, to switch
a much larger percentage of heavy equip. to natural gas.

We should be way out front on that by now.
we need to get off oil,

make generating electric power a tax exempt activity
grant a 15 year moratorium on emission restrictions
for coal fired power plants
build enough nuclear power to drive the cost
of electricity towards zero
get the majority of our transportation into electric cars and trains
and run em on the juice produced via the atom

In the meantime drill holes in everything

Oh yeah and don't forget to: 'fuck them chinezers'
Interior Dept. found to be most contemptible

all we gots ta do is hook up tubes to the cows butt, and capture the methane.
We got plenty of cows.
Could probably do the same with septic tanks and sewers.

rare earths?

I wouldn't expect a machinist to understand
the economics of nuclear power. Just trust us,
if the Feds would get out of the way we've already got
more than enough 'rare earths' lying about
to make electricity for the next 100 years
at which time commercially viable nuclear fusion
will probably be possible.

The only problems we have regarding energy
is the stoopid tree huggers.

There is more than enough coal to provide cheap electrical power
and inna pinch gasification for syngas if needed.