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  1. E

    Na birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Na'! :cocktail:
  2. E

    Favorite wizard?

    Then I want Raistlin and Dalamar too!!! (DragonLance) :) :headbang: I haven't read much on Forgotten Realms except the Dark Elf Trilogy (it rocks) and some with Glint and Wulfgar (can't get the book names cause I read them in french), but my friend read the ones with Elminster and found...
  3. E

    What's the best ..

    Ditto here, but I haven't watched Spiderman yet
  4. E

    My stuff...

    I've heard there will be (or even it might be already released) DVDs containing most if not all Simpsons episodes to date, so it might not be worthwhile to transfer all of them. Maybe you could do Dark Angel, South Park or stuff like that...
  5. E

    Bored to important is YOUR telephone number?

    Home (819) = 18 :headbang: Apartment/School (418) = 13
  6. E

    Add up the pimps, subtract one teacher

    I had one kewl math teacher which exams featured really stupid "real-life questions" and absurdities, the trouble was that we had 1hr to do his exams, but we laughed at his questions half of the time of it, so some people failed (seriously). Plus he was doing stupid stuff during the exams like...
  7. E

    Meat eating fish

    We found a big wood turtle near our house last year. Those things rarely stray away far from water, but the closest lake we have was at 10km from home :eek: I was also surprised when I saw it, I didn't knew we had big turtles here too ?(
  8. E

    Dumb as a post or evil?

    Truly pathetic. I wouldn't even let my dog in the car at such temps for long times, so keeping childs in such an oven is downright fucking stupid. And as for going in a salon for 4 straight hours without even thinking of them is the icing on the cake, and the proof hairspray can do brain damage...
  9. E

    Whats your favourite animated series?

    Has to be the Simpsons and Animaniacs here too, and Mysterious Cities of Gold were a part of my childhood :)
  10. E

    Gas prices

    It's around between 0.74 and 0.77 CAN cents/litre here (0.50 US)
  11. E


    Did you meant avatars? Sig is working perfectly here :headbang:
  12. E

    favourite instrumental songs

    Well, I listen mostly to techno music (often non-commercial), which doesn't have lyrics 80% of the time but often have voices, so it might be hard to pick a favorite: Some stuff from CoLD SToRAGE (WipeOut OST) Pills - Rock Me Chemical Brothers - Loops of Fury Future Sound of London -...
  13. E

    Must suck to be in Toronto now

    You could take your garbage and put it in front of the mayor's house (seriously, it happened a few years ago in Montreal, it was planified and a decent amount of people did it) :D
  14. E


    We got a small invasion of them nearly each summer here, damn those things are annoying :mad2: On spring it's the damn beetles, there's around 40x more than earwigs, they fly everywhere, land on you constantly, they (sometimes) bites and they shit all over our house's white wall :D
  15. E

    Driving question

    lol, the authorities said it was a bit confusing at first, but people would be accustomed pretty quickly. With the traffic in downtown New York it wouldn't be the same though :eek: :D
  16. E

    Can I have one too please?

    But someone drunk over 29 can do a catastrophy with weapons :D LL, a longow and/or crossbow is definately worth an addition to your arsenal. I dunno if someone here remembers the old HwC OT threads about gun possession, where Sander talked about its pocket crossbow, that thing packed quite a...
  17. E

    Driving question

    The rule might get cancelled soon. There were tests being done about turning right on red lights and it worked pretty well, so we will be able to turn on right lights like everyone else.
  18. E

    I remember when ...

    Ahhhh... a classic Sadly, in my case, I got washed out by the neighbors sprinklers when I was riding my bike and passed in front of their houses. Damn, is it that hard to make a sprinkler not covering 50% of lawn and 50% of the walkway :grumpy: :D There's just too many food out there that...
  19. E

    What is your favorite first person shooter (PC)?

    Installed Serious Sam: The Second Encounter this weekend; truly excellent IMO, even better than the already riot first one :headbang: