I remember when ...


Well-Known Member
Leslie's "for the moms" thread got me reminscing ... as I was reading her thread, I was muching on some Mother's Macaroon cookies ... and for a split second, I remembered being around 6 or 7 ... my mom would open a bag of macaroons (her favorite) and let them sit for a while so they'd become chewy. Then she'd bring them outside and sit with me and we'd talk and eat cookies, breaking them apart piece by mouth-watering piece, nibbling at the edges between sentences. We'd talk about everything ... my friends .. my teachers .. why I was kicked out of the Brownies (that's another story but for the record, it wasn't my fault) ... music ... anything I wanted to talk about. That was one of the special things she did with me. And every time I eat a Mother's macaroon, I remember that time in my life.

So come on .. share some childhood memories :)
mine is food too :D

I remember coming home from school, smelling mom's homemade chocolate chip cookies, and homemade chicken noodle soup, and having milk and cookies, watching cartoons waiting for dad to come home for dinner :D

I try to give my kids memories like that. :)
my mum used to make lovely homemade bread, the smell would fill the house - it was lovely.
my sis and i would nick dough while it rose, lovely chewy, stringy dough :)
My mom used to make jell-o and pudding for us in those tupperware cups. Wow, my mom used to be domestic.
Originally posted by kuulani
My mom used to make jell-o and pudding for us in those tupperware cups. Wow, my mom used to be domestic.

My mum used to make frozen pudding pops with popsicle sticks and Dixie cups.She also made cupcakes in ice cream cones. I sold out at every school bake sale within minutes. More than once, I didn't even get to keep any for myself.
*giggles at Luis G and Justintime*

isn't it funny that many of our fondest memories surrounds food? :D
isn't it funny that Justin remembers a haze before the legal age to buy alcohol ??
Mom + food = good memories. It's a good formula.

Mom used to make Pastina with butter and milk and then we would have cheese on triscuit crackers... Yummy...
Some childhood memories I've been recalling fondly through their eyes lately:

the beach
the last day of school
the first day of summer
running through sprinklers
going to the store for a slushie on a hot day

Originally posted by L. Summerton
Some childhood memories I've been recalling fondly through their eyes lately:

running through sprinklers

Ahhhh... a classic

Sadly, in my case, I got washed out by the neighbors sprinklers when I was riding my bike and passed in front of their houses. Damn, is it that hard to make a sprinkler not covering 50% of lawn and 50% of the walkway :grumpy: :D

There's just too many food out there that makes me remember my childhood... Chocolate pudding, Tapioca, fine herbs cheese, chicken noodle soup... too much stuff to list here :)
yeah, that was bad :grumpy:

but on the bright side, it was lucky to find one of those when walking on a real hot day :D
there's this one family thing that really sticks out in my memory .. when we were little, oh I guess I was around 8 years old at the time, my dad would wake us up early on some Sunday mornings .. and we'd pack up the Coleman stove and the coolers and pack up the truck then head for a place called Mokuola, or more commonly known as Coconut Island (it's a little island off of Hilo - you have to park and walk across a bridge to get there) .. and we'd make breakfast and drink cocoa and talk and run around and play .. and after breakfast we'd set up the bamboo poles and fish for a while. Across the street is a Japanese garden park and we'd walk around and play hide 'n seek in the bamboo grove ...

Those Sundays were spectacular.
The smell of bacon and coffee in the morning...

Hot, homemade biscuis with butter...

Grilling steaks with my dad...
Eating is the greatest simple pleasure.

Cinnamon toast on saturday mornings. . . . moms have a knack for using food to sooth the child.
The smell of bacon and coffee in the morning...

Hot, homemade biscuis with butter...

Ardsgaine: I remember those smells. Grandma made one heck of a breakfast.

I also remember fishing with my dad. That was usually really fun, even though I rarely (as in almost never) eat fish. Dad and I still had plenty of good times.

One of the first time's we went out we used live minnows. One of them was a gold color/colour. He was pretty cool and I talked dad into keeping him. We ended up with several of the minnows left over, so we threw them in the tank we had at the house. They lived a long time. That was pretty neat.

Of course, the first fish I ever caught I tried to get Dad to keep alive as well. That's when I learned keeping them alive is not the point of fishing. Not to say we didn't try to keep the fish alive and all, but in the end dad fried him up and from what I remember they enjoyed eating him.

Then one time we were fishing off this bank, and we weren't catching anything, so dad took one of his army helmets and we used it to carve a mud slide down the side of the river bank. This was after I dad had to dive in after me 'cuz I waded out to far and stepped into a deep part. Figured since we were already wet, why not?

Yup, fishing with dad was usually pretty cool.
