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  1. E

    What are you listening to right now?

    Therion - Vanaheim
  2. E

    How can i output some audio from powerdvd to a file?

    The thing I talked about (what you hear) can be accessed via the software, like Aunty Em said, but also from the Windows mixer under Properties -> Recording.
  3. E

    Whats in your pocket?

    Wallet, keys,tissues and gum (or cough tablets)
  4. E

    How can i output some audio from powerdvd to a file?

    Sound recording proggies should work if you select Wave or What you hear/all sources from the soundcard recording mixer. You might try to shut down any DD/DTS/EAX/whatever surround mode you have enabled though.
  5. E


    Game/electronic stores. Especially game stores, they have kewl old games for 2 bucks like Powerslide, Shogo and SiN, which can run on my old-ass comp :headbang: Music/disc stores too, I often check music albums, but good techno or metal albums are damn costly :(
  6. E

    Favorite Love Song & Who For?

    Well, the verb "boucher" in French doesn't mean to kiss, but to block up, or clog something (like a hole). From what you said (clogging her nose) you would mean stop her from breathing :D Maybe you meant "bouchonnerai", which means to coddle/cosset a child. Nice adaptation though :)
  7. E

    What are you listening to right now?

    Sonata Arctica - The Power Of One
  8. E

    WHAT THE.....????

    Happy 1000th btw :cocktail: :headbang:
  9. E

    WHAT THE.....????

  10. E

    Site Colors

    Agreed, it fits so nice with my green IE titlebar :D What about yellow? That would be so original :headbang:
  11. E

    My sister is evil

    An apple might've passed, but carrots *puke* Next time tell her to give some celery with cheez whiz :headbang:
  12. E

    What are you listening to right now?

    Gamma Ray - It's a Sin (Pet Shop Boys cover)
  13. E

    My car

    I agree, there's some condominiums that look so alike that you need to either check carefully the address, or count them in a row to find yours: "Where's my house? Easy, it's the 18th at the right on that street" Talk about personnality :rolleyes:
  14. E

    My car

    It's a Toyota echo. Personnally I find them ugly but those cars are so trouble-free and economic on fuel :headbang:
  15. E

    Daylight Savings Time

    Same thing here, that's my comp that made me remember the DST. But I have the darn flu so I would've liked the extra hour :(
  16. E

    Do you play an instrument? (willies don't count)

    I play some piano, but mostly organ and synthesizer. I'm planning on buying a keyboard (Yamaha PSR-2000) maybe in a few months, but it's kinda expensive... Attachment(s): psr2000.gif, 27.87kb
  17. E

    Age thread... again...

  18. E

    What are you listening to right now?

    Underworld - Rowla
  19. E

    What are you listening to right now?

    Rhapsody - Holy Thunderforce
  20. E

    Favourite computer programming language?

    My fave is Lingo (Macromedia Director scripting language), it isn't a true "hardcore" programming language like C++ and such, but then I'm a multimedia dev. student and not a pure programmer. The ability to do both text/point syntax code is cool, but text takes sooo much space and it's damn...