Whats in your pocket?


:p Or rather, what do you as a person carry on you on a normal day. Exclude jewelry.

Me... my wallet, Swiss Army knife, a house key around my neck, a pencil, and a strangulation wire (just for shits and giggles...). :D
on any given day, pockets alone, money, toys, saran wrap usually for some reason, tissue/toilet paper, pennies nickels and dimes, bread bag closy things (whatever they're called), jewellry, hair things, if it's little enough and in a home, it's been in my pocket :blank:

on me, purse (see other thread), ^ all that stuff, a book, and whatever weather requires - sunscreen or mitties :D
What!? Are you looking for a mark to hold up or something? First the wallets, now the pockets? Well don't look at me. I only have bits of fuzz in my pockets.
someone would be sorely disappointed if they robbed me, unless they really like marbles :D
at work...
tubex (for iv meds)
alcohol wipes
variety of pills/iv drugs
lip balm (air is very dry in the er)
trauma shears
tubes of blood
lab/patient stickers
bunch of random stuff
I don't have any pockets, but if I did I'd just have my keys in them.

We girls have our handbags for all that kind of stuff. Much more sensible idea if you ask me - wallet, keys, mobile, organiser, pens, paracetamol(tylanol), asthma inhaler, make-up, cologne, hairbrush, minor repair kit, kitchen sink.... :) Plus you can just shove it in a locker at work and forget about it.
on the right front pocket: house keys, car keys
on the right front small pocket: some coins
on the left front pocket: cell phone
rear right pocket: wallet.
Spot said:
at work...
tubex (for iv meds)
alcohol wipes
variety of pills/iv drugs
lip balm (air is very dry in the er)
trauma shears
tubes of blood
lab/patient stickers
bunch of random stuff


Me? Nuttin'.
wallet in left hand pocket, with my cash

car keys and house keys [2 bunches] and inhaler [salbutamol] in my right hand pocket

mobi in my back pocket
One pocket: my mother's ATM card. (I am reasonable with it, and it's easier for me to get cash than her)

Other pocket: loose cash, change, cough drops, etc.

My wallet is still MIA in my house somewhere, but it might as well be MIA in Asia, it's got less clutter. :eek:
Nothing. I don't like how the pocket bulges when something's in it. Not only that, I always forget whatever's in my pockets and wind up washing it.

At work I have a keycard that's on a clip that I keep clipped to my pocket but that's it.