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  1. HeXp£Øi±

    Do you recycle?

    Don't have any recycling options on my island whatsoever. Everything gets shipped to the lower 48 so they can stay dirty and we can stay clean.
  2. HeXp£Øi±

    Making life difficult

    Same goes with realplayer. What really pisses me off is that they make it so difficult to download the damned "free" version. Is my time and a headache considered free? Shite. I'll download the free version alright. Realplayer and Quicktime can bite my ass.
  3. HeXp£Øi±

    crystal scan & winky

    Exactly my point. It's completely annoying and for that reason 95% of the time i will skip a poorly written post unless i feel that person has truly reached their capacity for accuracy & punctuation. I am by no means perfect but i mean ...come on....
  4. HeXp£Øi±

    crystal scan & winky

    Will you please start editing your posts? All the misspelled words and mistakes are really annoying. Please, atleast one readover before you hit that post button.
  5. HeXp£Øi±

    Truth hurts, pal

    I agree with you 100%. On that note i don't think Christ was "worried" about anything in particular. If the bible is accurate then he is the solution and he knows the important truths that God is love and that there is hope for us all. Many things can be debated about homosexuality. Sure Christ...
  6. HeXp£Øi±

    Truth hurts, pal

    What you think i'm justifying homophobia? I think you're unjustly categorizing me with some other people. On the contrary i don't think we should be afraid of homosexuals at all or anyone else for that matter. I was simply stating what the bible says and that Jesus Christ agreed with the bible...
  7. HeXp£Øi±

    Truth hurts, pal

    Why would it go away? Why don't i quote Christ instead. Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is...
  8. HeXp£Øi±

    Truth hurts, pal

    No, God gave us free will. I don't know what you're getting at with that statement.
  9. HeXp£Øi±

    Truth hurts, pal

    Do you call yourself a christian? I ask because i want to know on what grounds we'll be debating this. When i say "will" i am speaking of that which God would or would not have us do". According to your argument all things must be of God simply because they exist and therefor must be what God...
  10. HeXp£Øi±

    Truth hurts, pal

    Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 that he did "not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it". If you indeed believe that Jesus Christ is who he said he is then clearly the old testiment, which contains the law, is the word of God. From that law also came the words "abomination in the eyes of God"...
  11. HeXp£Øi±

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    Now wait a second i didn't say that. Conform dammit! :la:
  12. HeXp£Øi±

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    I have never understood why science cannot agree as to weather or not a virus is a life form. Imo it's clear. It reproduces, it evolves, it needs a host(a host that must be a life form). I don't think there's any question that a virus is a alive. I've heard all the arguements and i just don't...
  13. HeXp£Øi±

    War of the Worlds

    I didn't think the adaptation was that great nonetheless it was an exceedingly enjoyable flick.
  14. HeXp£Øi±

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    As far as i understand science & physics something goes from inert to active. There's no way to minimize this absurdly profound conversion. I'd be interested to know just how you think it works. yes i am somewhat familear with Freeman Dyson.
  15. HeXp£Øi±

    Join the CPAN - Cel Phone Addicts non-anonymous

    I do not have, nor have i ever owned, one of them there thingies. :swing: Enjoy my tech but that's the one item i really don't need.
  16. HeXp£Øi±

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    Well i'm pretty sure there are no alien life forms visiting earth(aside from a few otc members). :D As far as life on other planets goes...imo odds of that are far less than popular scientific opinion would conclude. In fact, from a purely scientific perspective, the fact that we are even...
  17. HeXp£Øi±

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    Without going to exasperating lengths to explain the physics behind it all let me point out what should be the obvious. If time travel were possible, that is, if you could travel back in time and meet the you from twenty years ago we would be forced to conclude that there are an infinite number...
  18. HeXp£Øi±

    The United States: A Country founded on Paganism

    Well in my few short years on this planet i've come to understand that whatever your view is, you're pretty much going to believe whatever you want to believe which is rather obvious in this thread as well. The declaration is what it is and the constitution is what it is. I tend to believe that...
  19. HeXp£Øi±

    Shut down CNN

    :laugh5: :laugh4: :laugh3: :laugh5: :lol2: :elaugh1: :rofl3: :lol: Just couldn't keep his mouth shut i guess.