crystal scan & winky


Well-Known Member
Will you please start editing your posts? All the misspelled words and mistakes are really annoying. Please, atleast one readover before you hit that post button.
My dear fiend awl mi mis-spletin's are
completly on porpoise

remmemebr I'm duh anal retentive that cunts
and pasties ever durn post in an outta
Mickeysoft werd befroe postin'
Exactly my point. It's completely annoying and for that reason 95% of the time i will skip a poorly written post unless i feel that person has truly reached their capacity for accuracy & punctuation.
I am by no means perfect but i mean ...come on....
Dear Sir,
It is my sole intention, through the use of poor grammar
and improper punctuation to make a point.

Now that I fully understand your position in this matter
I will refrain from such actions in the future.

Now on the possibility of CS being able to follow
a similar course of action, I fear that will not be probable.

(Someone actually reads my posts??? The horror The horror)

Winky said:
Dear Sir,
It is my sole intention, through the use of poor grammar
and improper punctuation to make a point.
Trying to make one point whilst making another point? I'd say pointless but... ;)