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  1. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

    Those people give me the heebie-jeebies. Yeah... Can you imagine how many times it's ended since those verses were written? How many times was Babylon sacked before it was finally abandoned? And even though the city did finally fall once and for all, now you've got people reinterpreting the...
  2. Ardsgaine

    Bundy style

    I'm making chicken and rice tonight... I love chicken and rice.
  3. Ardsgaine

    I need your prayers and positive vibes right now

    Hope your Mom comes out alright, Cutter. Doctors can do a lot of amazing things these days. They've given my dad 16 years of life that he wouldn't have had otherwise. He had a massive heart attack in '87 that almost killed him. He underwent a heart transplant about 5.5 years ago, and he's doing...
  4. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

    You mean he was serious? ?(
  5. Ardsgaine

    What are the Russians learning from Iraq?

    The Elite's Feeling the Heat Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003. Page 9 By Pavel Felgenhauer Full Story
  6. Ardsgaine

    Guess the Movie

    Freako got it... I looked it up yesterday, because it was driving me nuts. :) Go, go, Freako!
  7. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    Give the ring of power to Gandalf, because he's good, kind and wise, and he will use it justly, right? No, because the power to force people to work for others is evil, and will corrupt anyone who attempts to use it. There's two issues here. One is that it takes a massive amount of force in...
  8. Ardsgaine

    Isaiah 21

  9. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    With six kids at their house, she probably insists on it.... :P
  10. Ardsgaine

    Is protesting still good?

    Really? Why not? Are you not confident in the reasoning process that led you to conclude that it's wrong? If you're uncertain of your conclusion, then have you gone back over it to recheck it? If you have checked it and rechecked it, then what makes you afraid to conclude that you're right and...
  11. Ardsgaine

    The News We Kept to Ourselves

    The New York Post weighs in.
  12. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    You say that like it's a bad thing... Why should people work for the benefit of others? What makes those others more worthy of the product of their labor than themselves? You know... you guys are starting to freak me out a little. You're doing a better job of selling socialism than the...
  13. Ardsgaine

    Academia and the War

    It's for Syria... or at least, it's to give Bashar something to think about. We still have some Iraqis near the Syrian border that we have to take out, and Syria had better mind its own business while we do it.
  14. Ardsgaine

    Hans speaks

    And the minimal amount of progress he was making on the inspections was entirely due to the fact that we were planning an invasion and pouring troops into Kuwait. Does he really think that Saddam coughed up those Al Samouds because he was so impressed with Hans Blix? What a self-deluded idiot.
  15. Ardsgaine

    Is protesting still good?

    You use the word 'ideology' as if that's a bad thing... Where's the value judgment? I would think that the value of the ideology depends on its content. What makes religion bad is that it's wrong. When taken to extremes, it's extremely wrong.
  16. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    Some jobs are more productive than other jobs. Communist theory says that regardless of how productive you are, you're not going to benefit from it over and above what everyone else gets. You'll get the same amount of food, the same housing, the same clothing, the same everything. The guy who...
  17. Ardsgaine

    Academia and the War

    Academia and the War
  18. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    See, I disagree with you Gonz. The theory is evil too. The theory says that one set of people (the productive) should be looted in favor of another set of people (the less productive, or totally unproductive).
  19. Ardsgaine

    Guess the Movie

    Groundhog Day?
  20. Ardsgaine

    Don't like our policies

    You mean it would be good if people didn't have to be forced to sacrifice their own interests for the interests of others...