I heard those leaf gaurds aren't what they're cracked up to be. If you get industrial sized gutters/down spouts, leaf clogging may not be too much of a problem.
That drip gaurd I mentioned isn't a leaf gaurd feature and it only cost me an extra $60. But I don't really have that much gutter...
I've done lotsa cool boards in my 28 years, power supplies that would light up half of New York, video boards, processor boards, and they get cooler every day with all the new technology in integrated chips.
Also, when I had new gutters put up, I had them put in 'drip gaurds'. It's a right angle peice of metal that slips up under the shingles and over the back side of the gutter......prevents water from getting between the gutter and the soffit boards.
I'm just kidding, did you guys settle on a date? I would love to come, but my work schedule is hectic at best. I worked 7 hrs yesterday and 4 hrs today at my bosses request (read demand). I have a contract job coming up the end of this month to do at home.