LOTR question

Luis G said:
Have you read the books?

Nope, I just don't see the point in spending all that time reading useless fantasy books, I read geek books that give me knowlege about technology :nerd:
alex said:
Nope, I just don't see the point in spending all that time reading useless fantasy books, I read geek books that give me knowlege about technology :nerd:

Take the time. They're worth it.

Better yet, come to the BBQ. I'll loan you my copies.
I'm just kidding, did you guys settle on a date? I would love to come, but my work schedule is hectic at best. I worked 7 hrs yesterday and 4 hrs today at my bosses request (read demand). I have a contract job coming up the end of this month to do at home.
So like signal propagation speed
trace-to-trace capacitances
layout economies and such...
Yea, controlled impedance, differential pairs....all the layout requirements that go along with high speed digital circuitry.
I've done lotsa cool boards in my 28 years, power supplies that would light up half of New York, video boards, processor boards, and they get cooler every day with all the new technology in integrated chips.
Well, if that's the case, we'll have to hold a recount.

BTW, V3.0 somehow heard that the BBQ's back in GA this year. All weekend, I was getting "Daddy, can you drive us to Stone Mountain today?"
alex said:
I'm just kidding, did you guys settle on a date? I would love to come, but my work schedule is hectic at best. I worked 7 hrs yesterday and 4 hrs today at my bosses request (read demand). I have a contract job coming up the end of this month to do at home.
Sure, sure, any excuse to not get tied up in a chair, whipped by the minions of hell, and force-fed LoTR. :hmm: