LOTR question

Professur said:
BTW, V3.0 somehow heard that the BBQ's back in GA this year. All weekend, I was getting "Daddy, can you drive us to Stone Mountain today?"

Well, now I KNOW you're coming.
BeardofPants said:
This goes into some detail on the Kingship of Aragorn, and the factors leading up to the unification.

If in doubt, Martinez is always good to turn to for Tolkien stuff.

Thanks, I think that pretty much sums it up. And yes I was talking about Arvedui :)
BeardofPants said:
Sure, sure, any excuse to not get tied up in a chair, whipped by the minions of hell, and force-fed LoTR. :hmm:

Tied up in a chair? Whipped? Are you gonna be at the BBQ? Unc, maybe we can find a use for that basement :D
We have plenty of uses for the basement...it's just that there is an occupant denying us the ability.
Shit...I had technical difficulty with my karma message and I take it to be a reminder from above that if you can't say anything thing nice keep your big fat mouth shut :D

Always leave owing you money

Always leave the place in a mess

Never appreciate what a deal they're getting

Never respect your privacy

I could go on and on, haven't had one in 18 years....going on forever.

Roomie horror story:

I let a friend rent a room cause he needed a place to stay. A decent guy. Had a decent job (Chrysler, union). The rental house was in my name at the time. I was paying $275/month, and had another roomie there, so between the three of us, we were paying less than $100 each. I come home one night with some friends after a night of clubbing and he's standing on the front porch talking on the phone. I didn't think too much about it....till the cops showed up. Apparently he had called the cops and told them I had cameras planted in the air vents watching him. We were standing in the front yard talking to the cops and he was like "look, see that wire" (pointing to the TV cable wire). I busted out laughing, and so did the cops. Roomie left for the night after that but a couple days later, he started acting REAL strange. I had had enough, I got my 45 bulldog out and pointed it right at his head, cocked it and told him to get the fuck out....I've never seen someone pack so quickly :grinyes: