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  1. habanero

    Most unique Avatar

    I like Nixy's dancing mouse, because it looks like it's about to keel over from exhaustion.
  2. habanero

    To the otcentral hierarchy

    This is why I wanted the Kissy Goddess as one of my room mates.
  3. habanero

    for all guys only do u have a girl friend?

    Yes, I guess it's love. Maybe I don't need a new girlfriend. But I need some action, my arm is getting tired.
  4. habanero

    for all guys only do u have a girl friend?

    I have a girl friend, and she is curing me of my sex addiction. I may need a new girl friend.
  5. habanero

    *seeing stars*

    I was seeing stars last night too. I passed out and bonked me noggin. I think I woke up smarter. which anit saying much Time will tell.
  6. habanero

    Now I'm pissed

    There once was a Governor who said "You can't legislate stupidity". That was the only thing Jesse Ventura was an expert on, stupidity. I'm all for Free Speech, but defacing a memorial? This went over the line.
  7. habanero

    To the otcentral hierarchy

    im seeeeeeeeng duble. jizlick lukz lik lust larrynary
  8. habanero

    To the otcentral hierarchy

    yUo try tiepeeng wen u r dreenkeen/
  9. habanero

    The OTC top ten movies list

    Nudder one I like. The Onion Field.
  10. habanero

    To the otcentral hierarchy

    ok, mien fuhrer.
  11. habanero

    Just kill me now

    I thought the Mason/Dixon line was where your jr high girlfriend told you where your hands had to stop. Guys weren't allowed to go south of the line, even though their southern parts were becoming engorged. But we kept trying. Hence the saying "The South will rise again" And again.
  12. habanero

    To the otcentral hierarchy

    I have been here a couple of days, so I was wondering if I could be an admin here, I will even accept a lowly moderator role if I had to. I know the internet pretty good so I think I could really be a good administrator here. Also I read all the archives and know some of the names here now...
  13. habanero

    Things that are annoying.

    I get annoyed with people who get annoyed easily.
  14. habanero

    Gah, beer sucks

    woohoo Beer is good.
  15. habanero

    what we do baby, without us ...

    Being that I am fond of me kneecaps, I'll just mosey on thru.
  16. habanero

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    post # 7431 The most intelligent thing I have ever written.
  17. habanero

    The OTC top ten movies list

    The Deer Hunter Apocalypse Now Full Metal Jacket The Grapes of Wrath To Kill a Mockingbird Taxi Driver The God Father The Killing Fields Platoon Animal House Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! :)
  18. habanero

    Your OTC roommates

    Well, if I had to choose 3, Q, Spirit and Leslie, would fit the bill. I need that many women to make sure my socks match.
  19. habanero


    This means you got your shit together, yes?
  20. habanero

    newbie here

    My thoughts exactly.