*seeing stars*


New Member
whoa ... last night during practice I actually saw stars!! we had been practicing non-stop for two hours straight, and then everything suddenly began flashing ... kinda like when a camera flashes in your face and your eyes can still see the flash ... good thing practice ended soon after, 'cause I was getting kinda phreaked out.
Whoa! Free buzz. Some people pay really good money to feel that way.
I was seeing stars last night too.

I passed out and bonked me noggin.

I think I woke up smarter.
which anit saying much

Time will tell.
I used to have that happen every time I stood up from sitting. I passed out once and Mom brought me to the doc and they found I had anemia and low blood pressure. Once I increased my intake of salt, started eating stuff with iron in it, and started smoking, that took care of that. :D

Ever have your blood tested for iron?

edit... you could have been dehydrated too, you think?
I probably was dehydrated ... and I think blowing up life rafts would be easier than practice last night!! ;)

I probably have anemia, I've never been tested for it though. A friend told me that if your hands are pale instead of "pink", than it's a good chance you have anemia. My mom has anemia. I have low blood pressure too.
borderline blood pressure and enough iron in my blood to spit nails on command.

I'm thinking that you may have had a low blood sugar pitch out.