Search results

  1. Bink

    Guess the Movie

    greenfreak, Bill and Teds Bogus Journey? :confuse3:
  2. Bink

    post your dvd collection

    I let my Dad do all the collecting. Besides, I can appreciate them better on his set up :cool: The only DVD's I have are Battle of the Planets (Geforce / Gatchaman) volume 1 and 2. My girlfriend got them for me the other week because I used to love this cartoon when I was a youngin' :D
  3. Bink

    How old are you?

    In much the same style as Shadowfax and Nixy, I voted for the wrong thing :o I'll be 42 in 20 years. But according to my vote, I'll be under 35 :headbang:
  4. Bink

    Playing with my scanner...

    We have a celebrity in our midst :cool:
  5. Bink

    Something i noticed about pregnancy test commercials

    The best contraception, is a glass of water instead :P
  6. Bink

    Roll call

    eh? :confuse3: :D
  7. Bink

    A meal with the unexpected bonus...

    I was just munchin away on my mystery meal (ie: threw it together with bits in the fridge) and I found a piece of fishing line in the beef about 5cm long!! :mad2: Now, I don't know, perhaps fishermen these days aren't just draggin in tuna and dolphins. Or maybe cattle have taken a liking...
  8. Bink

    Roll call

  9. Bink


    LMAO!! :D
  10. Bink

    Has anyone ever read these comic books?

    Those comics were an integral part of my upbringing :cool:
  11. Bink

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    Just doing my part :cool:
  12. Bink

    you've seen the sunset, now look at this cloud

    "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" ...... *clunk*
  13. Bink

    Star gazing

    Once on a big trip my family and I made back to our roots in Alice Springs, we camped over night in the middle of nowhere. It was completely dry, flat and the closest town would have been hundreds of kilometers away. It was a clear night (since there was very little moisture to be had) and...
  14. Bink

    Star gazing

    I have a telescope, but it's an antique my grandfather gave to me. It's one of those colapsable ones like you see on old pirate movies :D It's not real good when it comes to star gazing :(
  15. Bink

    music search

    It might be worth checking out some of the music from the group Secret Garden, or even Loreena McKennitt. Her theme from the movie "Highlander" is great.
  16. Bink

    Star gazing

    I've been wanting a decent telescope for a while now. I'm a star gazer from way back :)
  17. Bink


    LOL! :D
  18. Bink


    LOL! :D
  19. Bink


    Thanks for your patience folks, I've been out of town :cool: The gallery has been updated. New pics include: kuulani PuterTutor Gato_Solo Shadowfax
  20. Bink


    Thanks for your patience folks, I've been out of town :cool: The gallery has been updated. New pics include: kuulani PuterTutor Gato_Solo Shadowfax