you've seen the sunset, now look at this cloud


New Member
this ONE cloud was immense, darkening the entire sky ... *shuddery feeling*


cloud.jpg, 42.29kb

that was the day I came back from Wisconsin .. I took a pic of it too but I don't remember where I put it or what file name I gave it :(

It's so lovely ...
Justintime said:
hey thats a cool picture, like the minions of darkness descending on mankind, i like!

yeah. it felt like that! people were actually pulling over to stop and stare at this cloud :eek:
Yeah, that's way cooler than the sunset but still...

[Dr Evil]A little bit creepy.[/Dr. Evil]
impressive sky!

*shivers and suddenly feels very cold*

oh wait, I forgot that the airco was in "fuckin' freezing" mode :rolleyes: