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  1. Bink

    Did you ever get so tired that

    I revert to cave man talk when I go too long without sleep. Eh, me et fud... hmmm gud :D
  2. Bink

    Where are you from?

    What, no Australia? :rolleyes:
  3. Bink

    Stem Cell Research

    The Victorian premiere recently gave stem cell research the thumbs up, and I think it's about time too. So much can be achieved from it and so many problems potentially solved.
  4. Bink

    Server move check

    I thawt I saw a flasfldasf...
  5. Bink

    Should SB stay, or leave OTC?

    Did I miss something? :confused:
  6. Bink

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    Sounds like something from a Warner Brothers cartoon. One doesn't become subject to gravity, until one actually knows what it is, and then has to face the consequences :D I don't believe speed has any real relation to time, unless applied to light which isn't strictly time. As mentioned...
  7. Bink

    Free Photo Editing (submit pictures here)

    Just thought I'd give you a heads up $ponge, as the OT Central pic you have there may infrindge on likeness copyright to and HWC's logos. I had developed a very similar one for the Members Gallery but was asked to take it down by HWC Administration for that reason. :cool:
  8. Bink

    Let´s have a "Weirdest Avatar Contest"

    "Gnaaaa relaax god!"
  9. Bink

    Welcome Bink

    Thanks :) You guys are really on the ball :D CoffeePotUnit, allow me to introduce myself. I am Bink... Bink I am. ;)
  10. Bink

    BINK! check in here!

    Been pretty busy this past week :cool: I haven't had a whole lot of time for Hardware Central of late, let alone OT Central. Thanks for the concern all the same :o
  11. Bink


  12. Bink

    What does a Canadian have to be proud of?

    Eesh, that's not overt slamming, that's a just some light fun. Take it in humor :D So a couple Canadians wants to have a turn a re-writing history as well :P
  13. Bink


  14. Bink

    Who smokes!!??

    I don't smoke and never have. Can't stand cigarettes, but I don't mind people smoking cigars nearby.
  15. Bink

    Sea sickness?

    The last time I got motion sickness was when I was about 7. I scoffed down lunch and went directly to one of those twirly thingies you find in kids playgrounds (where you sit inside and turn a wheel to make the whole things spin). Ten minutes later in the brand new car, I blew chunks all...
  16. Bink

    What does a Canadian have to be proud of?

    I don't think it's based so much on venom for the US, rather the US (and the rest of us) take many of those things for granted without really knowing where they came from. Sometimes it is supprising to find out various things weren't infact invented in the US (and that's a compliment to the...
  17. Bink

    Anime fans?

    Urotsukidoji = weird... and very much so. Although I only watched Ledgend of the Overfiend.
  18. Bink

    4 Canadian soldiers dead

    It'd be a different story if it was the other way around :(
  19. Bink

    Semi offical OTCentral "What´s your system thread

    I want a Whopper with cheese meal upsized to large and a chocolate sunday............................................................................................................ argh shit, I'm in the wrong building again aren't I :grumpy:
  20. Bink

    Alright - Super-Sportbike Image Thread™

    Very cool Toolbox :cool: