Stem Cell Research

The Victorian premiere recently gave stem cell research the thumbs up, and I think it's about time too. So much can be achieved from it and so many problems potentially solved.
It all depends where they get the stem cells! If they are getting them from fetus', then no way. It only encourages abortion.
Actually, I believe they can grow stem cells in the lab now, thus sparing any unborn from murder. If the cells are grown in a lab, I see no problem with it.
Originally posted by Gato_Solo
Actually, I believe they can grow stem cells in the lab now, thus sparing any unborn from murder. If the cells are grown in a lab, I see no problem with it.

but they came from somewhere and are gentically identical to some individual either living or dead.

the un is ruling shortly over the continued use of cancer cells taken from a black woman in the 30s that are still being grown all over the world to this day. she died 70 years ago and her family want her cells to be stopped
Stem cells can be extracted from adult tissue,but they are difficult to remove and appear to be limited in usefulness.
Typically, stem cells are extracted from very young human embryos. Extracting its stem cells kills the embryo.
If the cells already exist, and are grown in a lab, I STILL see no problem with it. I don't advocate abortion except in cases of rape and incest, and I had no control over the cells that are already there. Do you think I'd advocate throwing away something so useful just because of it's lineage? The original cells, no matter how they came to be, are being used for something that we, as a society, need. As long as no new cells are gathered that way...Go for the cures.
I support stem cell research. If the cells already exist, then use them. If they could be harvested from living embryos without destroying them, then that would be fine if the parents were willing.

If stem cell research was not made so difficult by the government, stem cells would not be in short supply, and there would be no cases of doctors encouraging abortion just to harvest the cells.
Maybe some day we can get a embryo baby burger!

I remember in Zoology we had a baby skull about the size of a grapefruit. It was very new, about maybe 5 years old at the most(The baby was not 5 years old the skull was cause obviously the baby was dead). I asked the proffesor where they got the skull and if there was market for that type of thing. Just how in the world does one get a baby skull in the first shitten place. I would say the baby was about 6 months old!

I was wondering if the baby signed a donor card in the womb!

