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  1. S

    PONG! Highest score??

    Oh dear... this should have been in the entertainment right? Sorry, once again i'm showing my numptyness :rolleyes: Please move it for me Ris :D
  2. S

    PONG! Highest score??

    Dunno if anyones already seen it or whatever but this is an amazing game! Lets see your scores please. My highest is 435 but a friend at work got 506 :mad:
  3. S

    welcome, god almighty!

    Yeah welcome m8... LOL@soniclos :jester:
  4. S

    does anyone remember ..

    Likewise, I hated ALL medicines with a vengance!
  5. S

    Another school shooting

    It's so sad to read about things like this.. it brings tears to my eyes. Madness, utter madness.
  6. S

    Illicit drugs here and abroad

    Nope, when I do a joint I'm in for the night, I do it when I'm having a drink with friends, I treat "drug driving" as I would drink driving... I don't do it.
  7. S

    Illicit drugs here and abroad

    Round here it seems to mainly be weed, E's, coke and whizz... I know alot of people who do some / all and I know loads of people who do none. The main one though is definatly weed. Personaly I don't mind a joint or two if I'm in with friends, nothing extream, just a few to get us giggling and...
  8. S

    710 cap?

    :D Yeah you can all play "ROLL UP ROLL UP, SLAP SOLER HERE!" Did I mention it's free aswell? I did now so come on! Slap away :D
  9. S

    710 cap?

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr *Slaps myself hard round the face*
  10. S

    710 cap?

    :rolleyes: I don't know, tell a light hearted joke and get a bolloking! :D :D j/k
  11. S

    710 cap?

    :rolleyes: I don't know, tell a light hearted joke and get a bolloking! :D :D
  12. S

    roadrage test!

    OOOOOPs thats 97.5% prone to rode rage :rolleyes: Didn't think I was that bad!
  13. S

    710 cap?

    Sorry m8 but i haven't read every single post posted..............
  14. S

    710 cap?

    The other day I was in the local auto part store. A lady comes in and asks for a seven ten cap. We all looked at each other and said, "What's a seven tencap?" She said "You know, it's right on the engine. Mine got lost some how and I need a new one." "What kind of a car is it on,"...
  15. S

    Girl, 5, Used As A Drugs Mule

    Yeah thats what I thought, maybe I read it wrong but thats definatly how it was worded... It said she went to pick up her bags and was stopped and searched. The drugs were sown into the sides of her bags! They definatly didn't mention enyone with her etc.. Strange
  16. S

    Girl, 5, Used As A Drugs Mule

    Good point...
  17. S

    Girl, 5, Used As A Drugs Mule

    This is a headline in one of the papers I read today. She was traveling alone from Colombia to New York with 2lb of heroin in her bag! :mad: I can't find a link to the story on the net but that pretty appauling if u ask me! It doesn't mention in the paper that they have caught anyone for...
  18. S

    So, you think there is life on other planets??

    I wish I had seen this thread earlier as I would probably have had more time to read it all. But anyway... ------------------------------------------------------ Quote SB The Bible was written by the apostles, and God put it in their head what to write. It's a matter of faith. If you don't...
  19. S

    Plea on restroom wall leads to trucker´s arrest

    Plus looking at the photo of him, he's not a small bloke. Thank god she's free of the sick bast.