PONG! Highest score??

622, but played it a lot last year. i have tried to beat it, reckon i can but i'd have to play it a load.
Oh dear... this should have been in the entertainment right? Sorry, once again i'm showing my numptyness :rolleyes:
Please move it for me Ris
nah, best here so people will play!

not sure i can move it anyway, that'd be justin, fury, s4 and sam's thingie, i have no power outside my realm :(

go get that 622, my bro's been trying, if he gets there i'll post it :)
I've got no chance! My 435 was a major thing LOL!
as for Furys 800+ well... I'm speechless.... I bow to 800+ :D
My score: 747 !!!!

Ohhhh wait.....that's not my score.....mine is on the left corner :D :D
I had some time to kill :retard:, so I played with it for hours on end. That's how I got the 800+ score. There are a few people here who can fall into the same predicament as me and find themselves with plenty of time to kill, even moreso than myself, so I'm surprised noone has even come close. :eek:

Then again, it could be just because I use an optical mouse...