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  1. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    Unfortunately, being a bulletin board is useless if you start discussing your own topic that is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand and carrying on as if you're still trying to discuss the original topic. All that that does is portray the impression that you have no idea how to follow a...
  2. a13antichrist

    Ok so we are having a conversation about romance here

    Don't worry, I don't intend to.. :p She's events/promotions manager for a stadium at the other end of the island.. still talk to her from time to time...
  3. a13antichrist

    Ok so we are having a conversation about romance here

    Indeed.... which should make anyone with half a brain think a little more critically about how bad "selfishness" really is.
  4. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    No, you've missed the point entirely. The only point I was making, and that I have been making since my very first post, but the one that seems to have escaped each and every one of you, is that you can judge a person's PHYSICAL beauty independantly from everything else. And "judge", in case any...
  5. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    Can you even read English? Judging by the so-totally-missing-the-point-ness of your last post one would be inclined to think not.
  6. a13antichrist

    Ok so we are having a conversation about romance here

    "I love you" is self-serving - it makes you feel good about making the other person feel good. :p
  7. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    Who said anything about universal? Sheesh you people need to stop trying to cover your prejudices by over-compensating towards what you'd like to think you think. Physical Beauty can be judged, period. Obviously everyone is going to have different judgements but it is never not possible to judge...
  8. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    Your opinion is perfectly legitimate. What is hogwash is your misconception that you can't judge a person's LOOKS (not the PERSON, her LOOKS alone) without knowing her personality. BEAUTY is a perfectly legitimate "thing" in itself. PHYSICAL beauty exists completely independantly of anything...
  9. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    The point is, dumbarses, they didn't ask you to judge the PERSON. They asked you to judge her looks. You don't need to see anything other than her looks to be able to judge her looks. This over-compensatory, must-go-out-of-my-way-to-make-sure-everyone-thinks-I'm-sensitive-&-PC mindset you seem...
  10. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    The reason I stated that is that, as anyone who's not a total mindless sheep that follows blindly without a single individual thought in his head will likely concede, to judge a certain characteristic of a person by evaluating another is the very definition of shallow. Hex called the girl ugly...
  11. a13antichrist

    Beauty and the Beast

    That is the most ridiculously shallow load of puke I have ever heard.
  12. a13antichrist

    Eye Jewelry

    Except that 1) as far as your own eye is concerned, glittery or not is irrelevant, and 2) contacts can be irritating because they go on the SURFACE of the eye; these things are actually INSIDE the membrane of your eye and hence are in no position to cause any irritation whatsoever.
  13. a13antichrist

    This is, too...

    And since when was it a requirement of laws to have a back-bone? I think you'll find that the vast majority of laws are either to protext the stupid public from themselves, or to quell one source of hysteria or another. Your problem is, the public is already hysterical so you're going to have...
  14. a13antichrist


    To be precise, every archaeologist I've ever heard of. Maybe because the ones that don't aren't respected enough by anyone else?
  15. a13antichrist


    Many scientists today feel the need to distance any scientific ideas from "religious notions" because scientific ideas are based, funnily enough, on SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, rather than on simple religious belief. And the reason most secular scientists do not consider a young age universe has got...
  16. a13antichrist

    The enemy within

    Sure there were.. like, when Enzo said, "I think I'll make cars". :) Or when Jessica Alba said, "I think I'll wear tight clothes." :cool:
  17. a13antichrist

    This is, too...

    Well, that being the case it would probably end up coming down to the right of the worker to good health vs the right of the bar owner to maximise his profits. As the right to good health is clearly a more fundamental right than the right to commercial liberty, any new law citing/favouring...
  18. a13antichrist

    It's nobodies business

    "nobody's", not "nobodies" And not "no bodies", either, that's something else entirely.. :lol2:
  19. a13antichrist


    Posts 115, 118 talk about the unsuitability of carbon-dating. 122 talks again about carbon-dating, suggesting an age of around 5,000 years, for the sample concerned. This information is more or less irrelevant as we have already established, through posts 115 & 118, that anything dated using...
  20. a13antichrist

    Increasing my -ists

    Naturally. The problem is that not enough WOMEN realise that.