It's nobodies business


molṑn labé
Staff member
as long as he can do his job. Wasn't that what was said. We all said it went deeper than that. Too bad we didn't know how deep.

Bin Laden Arrest Offer Spurned as Clinton Met Lewinsky

A timeline of events chronicled in the Starr Report shows that during the period of late January through March 1996, Mr. Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky was then at its most intense.

On Feb. 6, 1996, then-U.S. Ambassador to the Sudan Tim Carney met with Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Osman Mohammed Taha at Taha's home in the capital city of Khartoum. The meeting took place just a half mile from bin Laden's residence at the time...

On Feb. 4, 1996, for instance - two days before Ambassador Carney's key meeting with the Sudanese Foreign Minister, the president was focused not on Osama bin Laden, but instead on the 23-year-old White House intern.

Later in the afternoon that same day, as Sudanese officials weighed their decision to offer bin Laden to the U.S., Clinton found time to call Lewinsky "[to say] he had enjoyed their time together." If there were any calls from Clinton to the State Department or Khartoum that day, the records have yet to surface in published reports.

The Feb. 4 encounter with Lewinsky followed a period of intense contact detailed in the Starr report in interviews with the former White House intern, including a sexual encounter on Jan. 6, 1996, several sessions of phone sex during the week of Jan. 14 - 21, and another sexual encounter on Jan. 21.

and it's proven to be incorrect. He couldn't do his job & have sex.
this is silly...not that i am a clinton fan - far from it but i'm thinking the dude has the mental capacity to squeeze in a personal phone call into his day. hell...every last one of us can do it. he may have made a mistake when it comes to bin laden but i highly doubt it was because of, me, and that schmuck on minimum wage at the taco bell can perform a job and have sex (albeit not at the same time), i'm sure that slick willy could too.
Gonzo Propoganda may have presented it here but it's all from the crew of Slick Willie.
Gonz said:
Gonzo Propoganda may have presented it here but it's all from the crew of Slick Willie.

See!!!!! I knew it. Everything bad that happens in the world is Bill Clinton's fault. :tardbang:
Gonz said:
and it's proven to be incorrect. He couldn't do his job & have sex.


That was sex? Don't forget his finger wagging statement....

--How could Clinton rationalize that oral sex is not a sexual encounter? Because Monica tried it but didn't swallow.

But seriously, folks:

Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:44 a.m. EDT
Ashcroft: Clinton Admin. Missed Best Chance to Avoid 9/11

Attorney General John Ashcroft said Wednesday that a secret plan formulated by ex-terrorism czar Richard Clarke in March 2000 could have foiled the 9/11 attacks - if it hadn't been ignored by the Clinton administration.

"After the Millenium Plot in the year 2000, the staff of national security operations under Dick Clarke had developed recommendations for what we should do to avoid terrorist attack," Ashcroft told national radio host Sean Hannity.

"And those [recommendations] were just basically ignored."

Noting that the Clarke plan was finished well before President Bush took over, Ashcroft said "there were ten months left of the Clinton administration. And then we came in and had seven months plus some days before we got to 9/11."

But Ashcroft charged that Clinton officials never told the incoming Bush administration about the Clarke plan.

"Never was this plan briefed, never was this plan made available by those who had written it, those who allege that during the time of the summer of 2001 we should [have been] doing everything possible," he complained. "They never went and said, 'Well, here's what we had previously recommended.'"

The plan is still "highly classified," Ashcroft told Hannity. "But it has the kind of things in it which we have done since 9/11 ... all the kinds of things we've taken a lot of heat for doing since 9/11."

"You wonder if that wouldn't have been the best chance at avoiding the 9/11 circumstance had that been, instead of filed in March of 2000, followed in March of 2000," the top lawman said.

But Ashcroft said there were other problems with the Clinton administration's approach to the war on terror, saying that the FBI's information technology "architecture" had been starved in the previous decade.

"That architecture had been starved through the 1990s. The last year of the Clinton administration spent $36 million less on information technology than the last year of the [first] Bush administration" in 1992.

Asked if he thought 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick should resign over conflicts of interest that he brought to light during Tuesday's commission hearing, Ashcroft said, "That's a decision that the Commission is going to have to make ... whether it's going to have standards that would reflect a disaffection for those kinds of conflicts or whether it's going to ignore that."

"My feeling was that they ought to know that this was the circumstance and it was a fact that simply hadn't been made known," he added.

Ashcroft also reacted to's audiotape of ex-President Clinton admitting he turned down a 1996 offer from Sudan to have Osama bin Laden arrested "because we had no basis on which to hold him."

"It sounds as if the [ex-]president is stating another reason for not having him or taking him, rather than the absence of his availability," Ashcroft told Hannity.

When pressed on whether Clinton should have accepted the offer, Ashcroft demurred, explaining, "The circumstances in 1996 are not circumstances that I'm expert on."

In 1995, bin Laden was named by federal prosecutors in New York as an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing. He had also been implicated in a November 1995 attack in Riyadh that killed five Americans.
Sounds like a whole lot of 'if only' to me. Smells almost as bad as bullshit, but it looks better on paper. Pre 9/11, bin Ladin wasn't a name to be reckoned with, and more than a score of other names that are out there. If we'd known the end results of Bin Ladin's efforts ahead of time, we could've done something about it...but we didn't...and in the meanwhile, he was being looked at with the same effort that scores more petty despots and megalomaniacs get looked at...some attention until the red flags start waving, and then a LOT of attention. Bin Ladin managed to not set off a lot of flags before 9/11.

Personally...I like the Iraesli method. Find the leaders or potential leaders and turn them into 'targets of opportunity'. What the hell happened to Black Opps in the Ginder, Gentler America ?