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  1. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Besides, as I'm sure you'll appreciate, the claimed hurt in question is emotional, not physical. Which is even more retarded than the physical hurt. At least physical hurt comes from just not knowing what you're doing.. whereas the emotional hurt comes from being completely fucked in the head...
  2. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Yep. Anyone not retarded knows about lubrication, anti-STD & birth-control contraception.
  3. a13antichrist

    The Real World "Silver Lining" Challenge

    Re: The Real World Heheheh...
  4. a13antichrist

    Yahoo mail: WTF is wrong with it?

    It's some sort of browser hijacker. Spyware thing, etc..
  5. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Only if you're a retard.
  6. a13antichrist

    Are you a cunning linguist?

    Dude, a language is a language, whether it's spoken or not. Latin most certainly IS a language - if anything, it's ASL that's borderline. Personally, I'm up to 4 totally fluent, one semi-fluent & working on 6 & 7.
  7. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    You're right, it doesn't. In theory. But this "Abstinence funding" that is mentioned in the original article is only available to courses that do not teach condom or contraceptive usage. Basically the only thing they're allowed to say it "sex is bad, it'll hurt you if you do it!!"
  8. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Yeah it CAN happen - but what not talking about what CAN happen, we're talking about what WILL happen. Are you claiming that it's okay if 99 young girls run off & get pregnant because they weren't taught contraception, as long as there's 1 that listens & stays chaste until marraige? Of course not.
  9. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Sure it's a choice. It's also a choice not to drink & drive, or not to cheat on our partners, but that doesn't seem to prevent it from happening, does it? You honestly, TRULY believe that, do you? How truly, unbelievably naïve of you.
  10. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Like I said, it's only successful if people choose to use it. You can't just say "it's effective when it's used" because the important stats aren't when it IS used, but when it's NOT used. People that have been taught abstinence are still going to have sex (though maybe not as often), and when...
  11. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Wrong. It's only successful if people choose to use it. And like I said, teaching it is no gaurantee they'll use it - and when they don't, they've got every chance of being shat on, as opposed to those that take a calculated, moderated risk in confidence. Good, that's what I was aiming for -...
  12. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Dude, what car crashes 0% of the time it's driven? What country has brilliant sunshine every single day of the year? Which hobby is 100% profitable, enjoyable, hassle- and inconvenience- free? There are risks you take in every single thing you do in life & if you're going to ONLY EVER do things...
  13. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    Lucky, I was just preparing a great big RETARD sign for you to hang around you neck. ;) If I recall correctly though, it was -I- who posted this thread, not you.... :confuse3:
  14. a13antichrist

    The downfall of America has begun

    That's not proof, it's consequence. Society itself is proof enough.
  15. a13antichrist

    Looking for a photo gallery...

    Dammit.. :nerd:
  16. a13antichrist

    religious discrimination

    Whatever.. :p
  17. a13antichrist

    Anyone ever buy a diamond online?

    I think Round, but as I haven't seen any of them up close yet I can't really say...
  18. a13antichrist

    Anyone ever buy a diamond online?

    Well I now know about Diamonds.. heh, they were cool links. My choice is Ideal/Premium, VVS/VS, F-H, 1.0-1.5ct. :)
  19. a13antichrist

    religious discrimination

    Why are you all so eager to pre-empt any "preaching" on her part? Has she given any indication at all that she would do? Not at all. How's that for discrimination? :disgust2: