Looking for a photo gallery...


New Member
Was by some chick, mostly of people in developing countries.. someone posted it on here like AGES ago when there was an "artwork" forum..

It was built in Flash, had a scrolling thumbnail bar and the photos opened up full-size above the thumbnail bar when you clicked on the respective thumbnail.

She'd won a couple of awards, or commendations, or something I think, too..


This is what I'm looking to replace. :)
Rusty found that link for me before I posted it. I think he found it on a list of good sites that use Macromedia Flash, that's how she did it. So unless you know Flash, I don't know if you can rip it off so easily. :)
greenfreak said:
Rusty found that link for me before I posted it. I think he found it on a list of good sites that use Macromedia Flash, that's how she did it. So unless you know Flash, I don't know if you can rip it off so easily. :)

Even if you knew flash you'd have a hard time ripping it off. Your only luck would be if she was stupid enough to leave the original .fla file on her site AND you had access to her ftp addy.

Believe me...I work in flash, and once you compress the file into it's .swf final file, you are NOT going to take it apart. That'd be like trying to take a .jpg and split it into it's component layers. Not going to happen....worst yet, you can't even steal the code or cut/paste items from it. Macromedia loves to protect it's users from 'borrowers'. :)
MrBishop said:
and once you compress the file into it's .swf final file, you are NOT going to take it apart. That'd be like trying to take a .jpg and split it into it's component layers. Not going to happen....worst yet, you can't even steal the code or cut/paste items from it. Macromedia loves to protect it's users from 'borrowers'. :)
Here's an idea, why don't you email her? Rusty does it all the time, emails fellow flash users for tips, and they even give their code sometimes. He also posts on email newsgroups and gets good stuff.

She's doing it in flash to protect her photos only, most likely. I don't think she would care about the code. Unless someone else did it for her.

Take a look at Mirlyn's website, he has a photo viewer that I tried to put on my own website but my webhost doesn't support some aspect of it.

greenfreak said:
Here's an idea, why don't you email her? Rusty does it all the time, emails fellow flash users for tips, and they even give their code sometimes. He also posts on email newsgroups and gets good stuff.

She's doing it in flash to protect her photos only, most likely. I don't think she would care about the code. Unless someone else did it for her.

Take a look at Mirlyn's website, he has a photo viewer that I tried to put on my own website but my webhost doesn't support some aspect of it.

:wave: Thanks Trish!

Man....that place is wildly out of date. Need to get some more pics up.

Mine is running Coppermine: http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/