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  1. SouthernN'Proud

    Recession? We don' need no steenkeen recession!

    But you see, that's misleading. We all know people with 2.2 million dollar homes but too broke to furnish 'em. I know of one that literally had sleeping bags and paper plates with a microwave for over three years because after buying it the dumbasses were too overextended to afford anything...
  2. SouthernN'Proud

    Strange bedfellows

    From yahoo news story I knew there was a reason I liked her...
  3. SouthernN'Proud


    ...or some bass-ackward Arkansas redneck hillbilly shitbag cramming cigars into the hired help mayhap? (Hope I got all the stereotypes in)
  4. SouthernN'Proud

    What's for dinner

    "PB & J with the crusts cut off..."
  5. SouthernN'Proud

    Write a caption

    It was a full 20 seconds before Candace noticed that the amusing native set her capris on fire while she lit her Virginia Slim.
  6. SouthernN'Proud


    I'm thinking if gas prices keep going up I'm gonna declare holy war on the Amish and surrender.
  7. SouthernN'Proud

    Gas Prices - how much are YOU paying?

    I put $49.99 in my pickemup truck this morning at 3.799 per. I flat refuse to spend fifty bucks on gas for a 12 year old truck. The e85 junk is 3.479 per here now.
  8. SouthernN'Proud

    What's for dinner

    We made carrot souffle over the weekend. Hmm... Tacos tonight. Humdrum, but good.
  9. SouthernN'Proud

    Write a caption

    "Sorry Bridgette, I gotta go. I need to call a wrecker."
  10. SouthernN'Proud

    Write a caption

    "Private Lewinsky reporting for duty, SIR!!!"
  11. SouthernN'Proud

    Naked man arrested for trying to have sex with taxi cab

    I dunno, but if the equation has anything to do with African swallows I'm screwed.
  12. SouthernN'Proud

    Naked man arrested for trying to have sex with taxi cab

    Was the taxi a 1990 or older model? If not we got a sex offender to register.
  13. SouthernN'Proud

    80's music thread

    Sure I did. They weren't pop fluff no talent hacks though. They picked up instruments and actually played them. They also didn't cover Billy fuckin Joel.
  14. SouthernN'Proud

    80's music thread

    And somebody else didn't. I like music too much to watch Idol.
  15. SouthernN'Proud

    Braces, anyone?

    Smart move. I would refer you to my childhood dentist, but he's dead. No I did NOT kill him.
  16. SouthernN'Proud

    Your Congresss in action

    And we all know how reliable that is...
  17. SouthernN'Proud

    Braces, anyone?

    None for me, thanks. :choclate: I needed 'em as a kid but we couldn't afford 'em. I was given ice cream sticks and told to push my teeth back in line. By a dentist. :alienhuh:
  18. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    Song For Absent Friends - The Four Horsemen