Your Congresss in action


molṑn labé
Staff member
...a measure creating a federal fingerprint registry totally unrelated to national security passed a U.S. Senate committee almost without notice. The legislation would require thousands of individuals working even tangentially in the mortgage and real estate industries — and not suspected of anything — to send their prints to the feds. The database and fingerprint mandates were tucked into housing and foreclosure assistance bills that on Tuesday passed the Senate Banking Committee by a vote of 19-2.

The Demoncratic controlled Congress was gonna get tough on big oil. Look at the prices since they took over.

Now, they want your prints for no reason whatsoever. I can't wait for higher taxes & BMV like medical care.

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Damn, Gonz...ya broke the site!
gee gonz, this sounds more like a fringe right wing nutcase type of thing than a democrat thing. are we sure that ashcroft left the building?

by the way, what do fingerprints have to do with higher taxes?
yeah gonz, there is a long and rich history of fingerprinting-motivated tax legislation in this country.