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  1. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    I Can't Wait Much Longer - Robin Trower
  2. SouthernN'Proud


    Gonz. Dude. I know you worship that Hartford-edited history book, but put it down long enough to pick up a math book. 100 years before you were born...THE WAR WAS IN FULL SWING!!!! How the hell could its effects have died down? Keep trying to convince yourself you're right. The cracks...
  3. SouthernN'Proud


    Just as soon as we have a period of time it doesn't impact, sure. I point out hypocrisy. Shoot me. Stand for something or fall for anything. Consistent lines of reasoning do matter. It's called credibility. I catch anybody making two drastically different arguments based on the same set...
  4. SouthernN'Proud


    Oh. So the law doesn't apply to them. Nice to know. Inky done nailed the reply, no need to repeat it. I dunno what Bible these pervs have been reading, but it ain't in my KJV. But hey, what do I know, right? Here. Color me done with this discussion.
  5. SouthernN'Proud

    Sickening're against warrantless intrusion against law-abiding citizens exercising their rights freely and in harm of no one, in the face of trumped up fictitious charges. You oppose forcibly removing children from the homes of loving parents and relocating them miles away without just cause...
  6. SouthernN'Proud


    As memory serves, he wasn't too keen on trespassing laws for self-serving bitches cuttin trees off public lands either. Wonder if he ever went and fetched him any firewood, so he could tell that ranger to go to hell he OWNS this land?
  7. SouthernN'Proud


    Yeah. They got knocked up by immaculate conception. :retard:
  8. SouthernN'Proud


    So is fuckin em. But we'll ignore that part I guess. Only paying attention to certain parts of the law, constitution, or whatever is the 'Merkan way and all.
  9. SouthernN'Proud


    Speak for yourself, pal. Yet in a later post... Med check time, Sparky.
  10. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    Cheesecake - (real) Aerosmith
  11. SouthernN'Proud

    judas priest coming to a retirement home, er, concert venue near... me

    Almost. My first was Def Leppard (Pyromania tour), Krokus (Headhunter tour), and the Jon Butcher Axis for $9.
  12. SouthernN'Proud

    Is chat dead?

    *Tries to avoid talking on the phone while at work. For some reason I keep getting a lot of calls from criminals.
  13. SouthernN'Proud

    Teacher fired for ... wizardry??? Holy Hogwarts Harry!!!

    :laugh::roll2::laugh: With wastes of DNA like this as your mouthpieces, I feel so very confident in the liberal message being taken seriously. You go bois. :hairbang:
  14. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maiden
  15. SouthernN'Proud

    Who lives ... who dies

    All this from the same Band-Aid sporting hypocrite who made a hobby out of following me around this very site and posting about my taking medication for legitimate procedures that nearly killed me and how that makes me a junkie. Now he wants meds doled out in Pez dispensers...for the people he...
  16. SouthernN'Proud


    One sworn affidavit and probable cause is satisfied. Then they specify what they want from whom, tie it to the case, and just like that we got spit on a Q-Tip Gonz. You know that. They'll file the charges in two or three cases, and if the evidence is suppressed, they'll go another route and...
  17. SouthernN'Proud

    judas priest coming to a retirement home, er, concert venue near... me

    Roughly $94 is way too much for me to shell out to see Priest. Seen 'em twice, both good shows, but dayum. In fact, the second time it was an all day outdoor festival thing, Priest, Alice Cooper, Motorhead, Danger Danger (or maybe Dangerous Toys, I always get them mixed up, they both sucked)...
  18. SouthernN'Proud

    Is chat dead?

    I used to use them a little. Now I don't even have one on my machine.