Yes, it measures both the quality of care and the distribution. While the we currently spend the most money on care we rank 30+ in providing care for our citizens. Seems awfully inefficient no?
only in terms of the way that index is structured. you're still apparently not getting that part.
Why are we spending the most yet we rank 30+ in infant mortality? It's because our system is built around high profitability instead high quality. To be profitable you need repeat customers which you don't get by fixing problems. It's much more profitable to prescribe pharmaceuticals for the symptoms and let the root cause stay.
1. i'm sure if my GF dropped one out she'd have the best natal care in the world. it's too bad that some kids suffer because of the stupidity of their parents. you done clinging to infant mortality? how about quality of cancer care?
2. root cause? are you kidding? yeah, i'll bet in columbia they have tons of wacky naturopaths that will treat the "whole person" and prescribe whole grains as home cure. what kinds of root causes are you referrring to? where is this diagnostic wonderworld that you speak of? yeah, western biomedicine is rude, and the pharm fuckers are a little too, er, a lot too, present, but you're in la la land.
grass is greener over there, huh? have a great time battling windmills in angola.
Imagine some commie sneaks up and plooks Gonz and just really tears some stuff up back there and the doctors just send him home with some Vicodin instead of repairing the damage.
he'd be so ashamed, he would never seek care.
I have the choice between Blue Cross HMO, Blue Cross PPO, or Kaiser. They all suck. I imagine at some point depending on what you need them for you'll come to the realization that yours is more than a little broken too.
MY GF recently needed some really expensive medicine and needed it right away. The insurance company drug their feet for weeks not wanting to approve it while she got worse. Finally her doctor was forced to admit her into the hospital for a week and a half so insurance would HAVE to pay for it.
wait, she needed some FAST? well shit, just head on over to canada, where all things health care happen super fast!

hey, my GF's dad is a (retired) doctor in kanada. maybe i can give you his phone number and he can explain how great it is there.
If you think I want to provide care to...
1. People who have had to stop working because of serious illness and lost their insurance
2. People with pre-existing conditions that are denied insurance
3. Hard working people at low paying jobs that can't afford insurance
4. 9/11 workers with respiratory problems who are currently suffering without insurance.
Then you are completely right.
I do find it interesting that you would deny coverage to those with a low IQ. Seems pretty fascist.
i meant stupid in the irresponsible sense. i know a guy with a 170 IQ that is quite stupid in that sense. and i'm not paying for his ass.
go ahead and moralize about 9/11 workers and sick people if it makes you feel good. i don't think they were, exactly, on my "deny" list anyway. but if it makes you feel better, i boil puppies every other tuesday, because i really get off on that shit.