Who lives ... who dies

i believe the rate of obesity is higher among poor and lower-middle income folk, at least here in fat america.

and hey, low and slow works good for real fatty cute like short ribs, by the way.

but i wonder, wouldn't you wanna cook the hell out of 'em at 450F, jimpeel style, so as to get rid of all those nasty flu bugs?

Nah. Low and slow is okay as long as you cook them all the way through and the minimum temp at the center is 160 degrees. Always remember to exercise good food handling techniques and wash all of your utensils and food preparation surfaces thouroughly. A ten percent solution of bleach is recommended.
That's because you are an elitist who chooses full service because you are too lazy to get out of your car. I choose to pump my own gas. :nudge:

Hey, I don't live in New Jersey!

Now that I think on it though, I wish somebody would give me gas.
Nah. Low and slow is okay as long as you cook them all the way through and the minimum temp at the center is 160 degrees. Always remember to exercise good food handling techniques and wash all of your utensils and food preparation surfaces thouroughly. A ten percent solution of bleach is recommended.

160 to me is waaaay overdone. though i do typically observe 180 for the birds.

thanks for the tips, jim.
A citrus-based marinade will help to kill those pesky germs and a strong spice will help to mask the gamey taste. I prefer my poor folk marinated in Orange Jubilee Mad Dog and Cool Ranch Doritos.
A citrus-based marinade will help to kill those pesky germs and a strong spice will help to mask the gamey taste. I prefer my poor folk marinated in Orange Jubilee Mad Dog and Cool Ranch Doritos.

How about a side of guacamole?
we got lots of commie vegetarians out here. i bet they'll taste better than them meat eaters out south and east of these parts.

perhaps just a nice dry rub...
So if you get to pick your own health care only the rich will live?

Of course not.

We ought to tax them to the point they have no money then we can all die together, after some serious group suffering. Because, after all, life is fair.

160 to me is waaaay overdone. though i do typically observe 180 for the birds.

If it's done mooing, it's ready. 170 for turkey, on teh grill. It'll finish up while you make gravy.
If there is some sort of pandemic, you are all fucked. Won't matter how rich or poor you are. The current healthcare system would never be able to handle the hugh influx of patients. Most hospitals barely have room for the regulars.
That list is optimistic.
If there is some sort of pandemic, you are all fucked. Won't matter how rich or poor you are. The current healthcare system would never be able to handle the hugh influx of patients. Most hospitals barely have room for the regulars.
That list is optimistic.
It's the flu.

Bed rest & liquids.
Unfortunately, there are multiple strains for which that isn't nearly enough.

OTOH, given the propensity for overstatement and cries for general panic in today's media (and society at large), I find it more than a little difficult to take the current whinings of doom and gloom completely seriously.

We are all going to die, perhaps just not all at once in some quasi-biblical catastrophe.
Well if a mega pandemic ever hits where would you want to be

I would want to be visiting SnP, lol

and help him shoot the zombies..I mean infected.
We ought to tax them to the point they have no money then we can all die together, after some serious group suffering. Because, after all, life is fair.


Yeah, or we could just catch up to the healthcare systems of other countries. Without all that ridiculous hysteria.