Who lives ... who dies

Canada isn't that far ahead of us. I'd rather catch up to the ones higher up the list.


once again proving that horse shit can be very accurately represented in statistical abstract.

i suggest that next time you have a health crisis, you visit some of the countries, such as columbia, that rank ahead of us on that scale, which was obviously built on values quite at odds from those commonly held by americans.

strangely, we sorta rank at the top when it comes to responsiveness. hmmm... well, hey, perhaps columbian peasants have better care than street people in cleveland. oh, oops, i forgot, i don't give a shit.

don't ask me to fund your care, chimpy.

Yeah, or we could just catch up to the healthcare systems of other countries.

Bitter much? You sound like you need a waaaambulance. Anything you like about this country?

"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country..."
once again proving that horse shit can be very accurately represented in statistical abstract.

Or that it's hard to face facts.

i suggest that next time you have a health crisis, you visit some of the countries, such as columbia, that rank ahead of us on that scale,

I'd be glad to be treated by by better health systems. I think the out of pocket expense of travel plus traveling while sick would be very inconvenient though. So I'd rather see our own system be improved.

which was obviously built on values quite at odds from those commonly held by americans.

Why do you think that?

well, hey, perhaps columbian peasants have better care than street people in cleveland. oh, oops, i forgot, i don't give a shit.

What do peasants and Clevelnad street people have to do with anything?

don't ask me to fund your care, chimpy.

By paying insurance we are already funding other peoples care. I suppose you just pay for everything directly out of pocket?

Shit, 30+ countries rank higher than us just in infant mortality. Is that a value you are at odds with?
don't ask me to fund your care, chimpy.


Gimme back what's forcefully taken from me 24 times a year and watch me build a retirement fund, pay for health care, and continue to give a portion to those TRULY unable to help themselves. The other 70% of the people on the dole can get off their ass and go to work like I do.

Anybody heard when Income Tax Freedom Day is this year?
When people stop coming to America to get healthcare, I'll be glad to revisit this issue. Until then, if we asre so bad, head on over to Finland. I bet they'll cure you right up.
You're the one bitching. Is there anything you like about this country?

I love that this country has many people that are industrious and looking to make progress and the best way to do things.

You bitch about it though.
When people stop coming to America to get healthcare, I'll be glad to revisit this issue.

That would be an incredibly dumb way to measure things since people come to our country sometimes and people from here go to other countries sometimes. Meaningless measurement.

Until then, if we asre so bad, head on over to Finland. I bet they'll cure you right up.

I'll just vote for people that will make progress while you ignore the facts and sit idle.
Anybody heard when Income Tax Freedom Day is this year?

That would already have passed without a whimper on April 23, 2008.

Click HERE for an interesting chart.

Note that the days worked started going down as soon as we ditched Clinton.

You are in one of the states with the earliest tax freedom days. All of the "impoirtant" states are in the latest ten states to see tax freedom day.

Under what circumstance would someone, anyone, leave the USA to seek medical care?

For better health care I would imagine. Happens all the time.

Really? You're surprised by this? Yet you still vote on stuff.
Or that it's hard to face facts.
I'd be glad to be treated by by better health systems. I think the out of pocket expense of travel plus traveling while sick would be very inconvenient though. So I'd rather see our own system be improved.

Why do you think that?

What do peasants and Clevelnad street people have to do with anything?

By paying insurance we are already funding other peoples care. I suppose you just pay for everything directly out of pocket?

Shit, 30+ countries rank higher than us just in infant mortality. Is that a value you are at odds with?

spike, did you even LOOK at how those ratings were composed in the source you quoted? yes? look again. it's not measuring quality of care available so much as equal distribution of care across a population. the index is composed from the moral priorities of a commie. and not the imaginary commie gonz is worried about sneaking up from behind and plooking him, but a real commie.

my medical care is fantastic. that level of care is available. yours may suck. tough shit for you. unless you are disabled and truly unable to earn your own keep. then perhaps i might be a little nicer about a donation. but if you think i want to subsidize...

a)anyone who is able to have health care but chooses not to participate,
b)anyone too stupid to hedge their risks in a smart way, or
c)those chicks that SnP talks about that drive cadillac escalades and use food stamps,

... then you are solely mistaken.
Americans are routinely going to India for things like elective surgeries, plastic surgery, and heart bypasses. This is mostly driven by cost.

A story from NPR. There's a great big unseen element. Wanna bet it starts with the entire traveling group has BUSH LIED bumper stickers on their Prius. Followed by not a on eof them read the Constitution.

my medical care is fantastic. that level of care is available. yours may suck. tough shit for you. unless you are disabled and truly unable to earn your own keep.

Isn't it wonderful to have a choice?
spike, did you even LOOK at how those ratings were composed in the source you quoted? yes? look again. it's not measuring quality of care available so much as equal distribution of care across a population. the index is composed from the moral priorities of a commie. and not the imaginary commie gonz is worried about sneaking up from behind and plooking him, but a real commie.

Yes, it measures both the quality of care and the distribution. While the we currently spend the most money on care we rank 30+ in providing care for our citizens. Seems awfully inefficient no?

Why are we spending the most yet we rank 30+ in infant mortality? It's because our system is built around high profitability instead high quality. To be profitable you need repeat customers which you don't get by fixing problems. It's much more profitable to prescribe pharmaceuticals for the symptoms and let the root cause stay.

Imagine some commie sneaks up and plooks Gonz and just really tears some stuff up back there and the doctors just send him home with some Vicodin instead of repairing the damage.

my medical care is fantastic. that level of care is available. yours may suck. tough shit for you.

I have the choice between Blue Cross HMO, Blue Cross PPO, or Kaiser. They all suck. I imagine at some point depending on what you need them for you'll come to the realization that yours is more than a little broken too.

MY GF recently needed some really expensive medicine and needed it right away. The insurance company drug their feet for weeks not wanting to approve it while she got worse. Finally her doctor was forced to admit her into the hospital for a week and a half so insurance would HAVE to pay for it.

So it ended up costing insurance a heck of a lot more than it would have if they weren't such greedy bastards. The system is broken.

if you think i want to subsidize...

a)anyone who is able to have health care but chooses not to participate,
b)anyone too stupid to hedge their risks in a smart way, or
c)those chicks that SnP talks about that drive cadillac escalades and use food stamps,

... then you are solely mistaken.

If you think I want to provide care to...

1. People who have had to stop working because of serious illness and lost their insurance
2. People with pre-existing conditions that are denied insurance
3. Hard working people at low paying jobs that can't afford insurance
4. 9/11 workers with respiratory problems who are currently suffering without insurance.

Then you are completely right.

I do find it interesting that you would deny coverage to those with a low IQ. Seems pretty fascist.
A story from NPR. There's a great big unseen element. Wanna bet it starts with the entire traveling group has BUSH LIED bumper stickers on their Prius. Followed by not a on eof them read the Constitution.

Stay blind buddy.

It's probably a group republicans with WE DON"T CARE IF OUR GOVERNMENT LIES TO US bumper stickers driving their Gremlins with not a one of them having read or understood the constitution. They just need better healthcare.
A story from NPR. There's a great big unseen element. Wanna bet it starts with the entire traveling group has BUSH LIED bumper stickers on their Prius. Followed by not a on eof them read the Constitution.

Isn't it wonderful to have a choice?

Hey, NPR was the first thing that popped up on the search term. I didn't want to spend any time on it so I posted that one. Having the audio available was a plus.

I could have sent you HERE.