Search results

  1. G

    SPRING whooo

    What's happening by you? You tending to your soil at all in your parts? The forsythia is just about done blooming, as are the daffodils. Each day I come home and find something else I didn't know I had. The cherry trees, magnolias and dogwoods are in peak here. I can't believe how many...
  2. G

    Why are we so literal?

    After being away for a while, I had forgotten how literal OTC can be. Why is that? What's the desired impact of correcting people on their choice of words, facts, spelling & grammar? Do you really think that helps them? Because it's a way to show superiority, that you think you know more...
  3. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    I get my first tattoo. :trippin: I've wanted to do this since I was about 23. Back then, it was all about shamrocks and claddagh. Over the years, my ideas have changed about what I wanted and for at least five years, I've been thinking about the same thing. A flower. I know, not very...
  4. G

    Eliza's Dad died.

    :( Do you guys remember Eliza? "She" is what started my fascination with computers. I talked to her all the time as a kid. I did a list of the program so I could see all her programmed responses and then I...
  5. G

    What hard drives do you swear by these days?

    I've always been a Maxtor fan but there isn't much to choose from on NewEgg. I need a couple of drives to replace (2) 250gb SATA 3.0Gb/s Western Digitals that are failing on me just about every six months. I found this Seagate...
  6. G

    For the NJ people

    From this Sunday's PostSecret Awww.
  7. G

    While trying to ID a tree, Poison Sumac was suggested.

    That would totally suck. The second and third ID sites suggested Ash. But the bark doesn't look quite right. I've seen this tree bark before at the NY Botanical Gardens and was intrigued by it. But can't for the life of me remember what it is. I've posted pictures on three garden forums...
  8. G

    Tootsie is on

    I forgot how endearing this movie is. And how great a song "It Might Be You - All of My Life" is.
  9. G

    Just punishment?

    Student's father files lawsuit over suspension BY CHRISTINA [email protected] February 14, 2008 The father of a Ward Melville High School senior has filed suit in State Supreme Court contending the Three Village school district unfairly and improperly suspended his...
  10. G


    It's lightly snowing outside in NY right now. Not a big deal. Side roads a little icy, nothing that can't be handled with care. This woman on this other forum I belong to tells this tale how she almost killed herself three times on the way home because there's something wrong with her car. It...
  11. G

    Funny movies

    What are some of the funniest movies you've seen lately? I was just talking about "Just Friends" with Ryan Reynolds. I think he's so funny.
  12. G


    Made ya look. Prof, did you get an FM from me this weekend? I sent one, but even though it's supposed to save in my Sent Items, nothing is there. Jus checkin.
  13. G

    One man's trash...

    I've been trolling the free board at CraigsList for a while but found out about another swap site called FreeCycle - I just took a look at the group for my area and a woman is looking for a fishtank setup for her son's turtles. Just so...
  14. G

    I need to stop

    Looking at all the Labs for adoption from a local rescue. We need to put up a proper fence before we can adopt, and dog-proof the house. But these sweet faces are killing me. "Buddy" 3.5 Yr Yellow Male - DOB 01-15-04 Buddy spent childhood living with family in NYC … up until they...
  15. G

    Parents and dog lovers can appreciate this...

    Got this from best of CraigsList
  16. G

    *looks around*

    *no one looking* *does naked cartwheels*
  17. G

    What are the weekend plans?

    We're doing the usual chores - food shopping, laundry, cleaning. We'll also be putting together some furniture and taking pics of the house. Other than that, absolutely nothing. You?
  18. G


    What do you think of this? It's legal in DR... but is it reprehensible, or do you just not care one way or the other? Full story:
  19. G

    Bi Curious?

    Off CraigsList. Hi-larious. :lol2:
  20. G

    What's yer speed?

    We just got Verizon Fios installed in November and I checked my speed for the first time tonight. I think I'm supposed to be getting faster: What's yours?