What's yer speed?


Don't talk to me! Just don't talk to me!

"Verizon currently does not have a plan in place to extend into your area."

These are the conversations I remember when people ask me why I stay in NY. :D

We were the first to have Optimum Online too.

Although, I've heard Verizon's customer service is abysmal. Does that make you feel better? My free 19" Sharp HDTV will be here Saturday. :p

Don't talk to me! Just don't talk to me!

"Verizon currently does not have a plan in place to extend into your area."


Yep, thats pretty much it.
What they said X8

I think I'm supposed to have 6m/768k....can't remember. This is probably the best I'd get since my ISP is a direct peer with the Atlanta area (corp noc is there).

EDIT: looks like my bill matches the 7m/512k plan on their site.
Mine is kinda slow...but...then again...I'm routed through eleventy-million servers...


Speakeasy's speed test usually gets me just over 5000. It's advertised as 6-meg DSL.
These are the conversations I remember when people ask me why I stay in NY. :D

We were the first to have Optimum Online too.

Although, I've heard Verizon's customer service is abysmal. Does that make you feel better? My free 19" Sharp HDTV will be here Saturday. :p

Ain't FiOS wonderful? :D

You know, I can actually see New York. Baltimore too. I'm jealous, but I can see it. But Fort Wayne f@cking Indy-f@cking-ana?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

How sad is it that I have a T1 at work and it's slow?
How sad is it that I have a T1 at work and it's slow?

Hell, I manage five in total and its still slow. Used to be that you get the "up" advantage. Now, about all you can proclaim is that you can yell and trucks roll ASAP.
Hell, I manage five in total and its still slow. Used to be that you get the "up" advantage. Now, about all you can proclaim is that you can yell and trucks roll ASAP.

I haven't checked lately but typically my cable internet at home is as fast or faster down.
I haven't checked lately but typically my cable internet at home is as fast or faster down.

Oh, its definitely faster. Thats why I was saying Ts have the "up" advantage--their upstream (vital for most network services) is faster than your typical high-speed connection at home, which is usually 4-6meg down (3-4 times the speed of a T1) but only 512-768k up (1/3 to 1/2 the speed of a T1).

Still, T1s are roughly 10x the cost. You get no uptime guarantee (SLA) with the home or business cable/dsl connections, which is probably why T1s still exist in today's world.