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  1. BoyScout91689

    What are you listening to right now?

    Nirvana, Sliver
  2. BoyScout91689

    I'M BACK!!!

    someone instant messanged me and threatened to rape me and i wasn't aloud on the internet
  3. BoyScout91689

    I'M BACK!!!

    no im not sneaking internet time and im not sure how to answer the question who am i but i like left a month ago
  4. BoyScout91689

    I'M BACK!!!

    or atleast for today i am
  5. BoyScout91689

    I'll Miss OTC

    even though im new here i'll miss otc, something happened to me and i cant come on the internet anymore. Rooney might be able to explain what happened later much love
  6. BoyScout91689


    Why are y'all trying to define true love even some one as stupid as me should know there is no definition for true love
  7. BoyScout91689

    Interview Game

    none US, Maryland dunno i guess it depends How old are you? Where were you born? What do you think about people labeling other people?
  8. BoyScout91689

    Quick Shower Survey

    1 .Do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water? Water first 2.Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? yup 3.Do you moan like the people on the Herbal Essence commercials? nope 4.Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? nope 5...
  9. BoyScout91689

    LONG survey about you... comeon, do it!

    1. Name:Theresa 2. Backwards: Asereht 3. Date: July 20, 2003 4. Birthdate: September 16, 1989 5. So, exactly how old are you?: 13 years 10 months 4 days old 6. If you could change your name, what would you change it too?: Rachle 7. What's your religon?: Catholic 8. Any odd beliefs?: i...
  10. BoyScout91689

    I'm so sad

    That'll take awhile cuz if my mom doesn't want to hear me all she has to do is turn down her hearing aid and my dad well he doesn't give in easy
  11. BoyScout91689

    I'm so sad

    i'm not old enough to drive and i dont have ne money to take a train/plain/bus to go see her and my parents will freak cuz long distance
  12. BoyScout91689

    I'm so sad

    My cousin Brittany is movin' to Texas tomorrow and she was like a sister to me. Since I dont have any sibblings to go to for comfort I have to sit here and cry to myself. :crying5:
  13. BoyScout91689

    If you had a Million Dollars ... ?

    put some in the bank for college, give some to my parents to help them pay off debts, shopping!
  14. BoyScout91689

    Still in our thoughts

    Happy Birthday Dan even tho i didn'y know who you are I hope its better where ever you are than it is here
  15. BoyScout91689

    Lets play word association

  16. BoyScout91689

    Lets play word association

  17. BoyScout91689

    Lets play word association

  18. BoyScout91689

    Lets play word association

  19. BoyScout91689

    Lets play word association

  20. BoyScout91689

    Lets play word association
