Still in our thoughts

May the angels kiss away your every pain, may the heavens light show you the way. May the hearts content be your gift to you and may you always be yourself and be true.

Happy birthday.
wonder if his family will celebrate? i dont know if he can hear us or read OT in some kind of afterlife if there is one but we miss ya man :crying3: :crying5:
I miss you Dan

Thanks for everything you did for me and for all those times you were there when I just needed someone to vent to.

I hope you have a great birthday (whereever you are).

To Jon or CS or any of Dan's other RL friends (if any others read this), if you talk to Dan's dad please tell him that my thoughts are with him today and always.

Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you have never been hurt,
Dance like nobody is watching
Sing like nobody is listening
Live like it is Heaven on Earth.

:beerbang: RIP, Dan