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  1. F

    Problems with sleeping ..

    .. I always had issues with sleeping, due to a few personal things, but when I am having the cold or flu like I have now, ARGH 1 hour per night, and I get up mad by coughing or headaches. I didnt'sleep for more then 1 hour in the last 3 days. (per night). last night I did sleep 6 hours...
  2. F

    Button Alignment ?

    Hi when I view a thread I see the bottom buttons for newthread and newpostreply disalligned from eachother. Stay pro! align them :D
  3. F

    Karma! Reputation!

    Heeeey. I like getting reputation for posts .. thank you all. I'd also like my posts to say: Posts: x / Karma y and maybe then the reputation small icons besides the postbit buttons at the bottom. That will look good, then i know the level of my karma and the imanges for the reputation...