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  1. Jas101

    I haven't been to this board for ages...

    How's everybody been doing?
  2. Jas101


    [/siz] A man goes to the doctor's. "You've got to help me doc. I can't stop singing the green, green grass of home." "Hmmmmmmmmmm...." says the doc. "Sounds like you've got Tom Jones syndrome" "Oh NO!" says the guy "Is this common?" "Well" says the doc "It's not unusuaalll!"...
  3. Jas101

    Any palm pilot user in the house?

    I got a IIIc. It keeps all my zhit together. God knows what would happen if I lost it. I'd just become a bum and wander the earth aimlessly. Quite sad! Comments anyone? Please share.
  4. Jas101

    Best thing from from a beer company since...well..... BEER! Very funny indeedy. Download the player. Takes about 30 secs.
  5. Jas101

    I just got back from holiday

    A rather spiffing time was had by this chap. I successfully defended my "king of kareoke" crown. Ate tons of food. Drank even more drink. Got sunburn. Bought loads of crap I'll never need or use again. Cool baggy shorts! YAY ME!!!! Spain is the best place in the whole chonking...
  6. Jas101

    Explain please

  7. Jas101

    My Dog

    She's the best in the world. i love her a lot. even on the frequent occasions when I want to kill her, i still love her. she eats my food after eating her own, shes 100% sure that i'm going to share my crisps she runs upstairs to eat her bone alone she likes the same tv programs as...
  8. Jas101

    Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Someone kidnapped my funky mouse avitar!!!!!!!!!!! I refuse to post anymore untill he's returned. Mod's, Admins, anyone and everyone...... avenge this injustice. No peace & very little love, Jas101
  9. Jas101

    Hey Ihcra!

    Where'd you get that ihcra chick picture? It makes me go all wobbly! :P
  10. Jas101

    Hey SB!

    Why arent you a supermod anymore? And dare I ask?...... Whats the difference between a supermod and a normal mod? Is it safe to swear at you now without getting banned? :D