´Under God´ in Pledge ruled unconstitutional

homelan i agree that the guy had too much time on his hands. and also about something you said on an earlier thread he couldnt find a better reason to sue, i believe unclehobart said it best on a thread on jjr512 which was "people can sue for the dumbest reasons." that is the truest thing ive seen in a while. [b}, i went to a school where we would get in trouble if we didnt stand for the pledge. i should have been more clear. in 10th grade in NSL my teacher said we didnt have to that it was unconstitiutional. after that i didnt stand. i also never actully got in trouble. s4, i do agree that america has lost its values. if it had any to begin with. i dont say that to be anti american. quite the opposite. i say that because if we had any values we never would have had hate groups. there wouldnt be whiny assed people saying "i want that for "my people"" or "thats wrong" for some bullshit reason. these people need to get out more. and no it doesnt hurt for an atheist or agnostic or satanisnt(though that goes under atheist if in LeVayan sense), but it is a lie to them. same with a person who is polytheistic such as a pagan or wiccan. they would be lying if they said that as they dont believe it. thats why some people including myself said its nice to see it taken out. but at the same time i do sympathise with the christinas as i feel they should be allowed to pray IF THEY SO CHOOSE as thats also in the first amendment.