

Never forget. I don't care what you believe about what occurred that day, who was responsible, who did or didn't drop the ball, what conspiracy you do or don't subscribe too. Remember that day. Remember it for man's inhumanity to man. Remember it so we are not doomed to repeat it. Give thanks for all that you have in simply being alive. Use this as a reality check but REFUSE to live in fear!

Remember these men and women who gave their whole effort and many their lives in service of their city, their nation, their world, and their fellow man!




Let us not be divided this day, no matter our personal beliefs. Let's just remember the aftermath of this event and the strength of human spirit so many showed and what this great nation endured.

God bless, the fallen, their families and loved ones, the police, the firefighters, and America!

It's unlikely to be over anytime soon. The main cause of this incident has been around for thousands of years and isn't going to resolve itself in our lifetimes. Us vs Them ideologies parading themselves off as religions.
It's unlikely to be over anytime soon. The main cause of this incident has been around for thousands of years and isn't going to resolve itself in our lifetimes. Us vs Them ideologies parading themselves off as religions.

well I have my own views about that, but I'll not go into it now.
nah cato let's be honest and ruin the thread in true OTC RW style.

this thread is bullshit. unpatriotic cut and run liberals like mark, spike, perhaps even myself hate america, and are glad it got attacked because we deserved it. right guys and gals?
Sure thing, Minks.

In the meanwhile, other than being a barbaric event..it proved to be a way to show people that they could trust, support and count on their neighbours and often total strangers in times of crisis. Funny how tragedy works that way,eh.
nah cato let's be honest and ruin the thread in true OTC RW style.

this thread is bullshit. unpatriotic cut and run liberals like mark, spike, perhaps even myself hate america, and are glad it got attacked because we deserved it. right guys and gals?

your prerogative man.
nah cato let's be honest and ruin the thread in true OTC RW style.

this thread is bullshit. unpatriotic cut and run liberals like mark, spike, perhaps even myself hate america, and are glad it got attacked because we deserved it. right guys and gals?

So glad you see the light. Someday, it'll highhlight how self-serving & misguided you are.

Can't see the trees for the forest.
Television Archive: The September 11th Collection

Breaking news of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center begins about 1:30 into the video. The second plane impacts about 14:54 into the video, the video cuts out momentarily, and the reporter doesn't realize immediately that another plane has crashed.

America Attacked

Dedicated to the men, women and children
who lost their lives; those brave people who gave their lives
And the Heroes that responded to the emergency
11 September 2001
So glad you see the light. Someday, it'll highhlight how self-serving & misguided you are.

Can't see the trees for the forest.

well it is hard to see through the dense rhetoric around here, which tends to trivialize things like 9/11. sometimes the truth hurts. sorry gonzie.