0bama Asks Paterson to Drop Campaign

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Well-Known Member
Wow. Interfering in a state's election.

How is this any of Supreme Ruler's business??

Paterson Says He Will Run, Rejecting Call From 0bama

Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.

0bama had sent a request to Mr. Paterson that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race, fearing that Mr. Paterson cannot recover from his dismal political standing, according to two senior administration officials and a New York Democratic operative with direct knowledge of the situation.
Paterson to 0bama: Bite Me

Gov. David A. Paterson insisted on Sunday that he would continue his campaign for governor, despite urgings from the White House that he step aside for the good of the Democratic Party.

News that the White House had involved itself in the governor’s contest in New York set off intense and wide-ranging reaction on Sunday, and Mr. Paterson’s aides seemed shaken that the discussions with the White House had become public.

Some Democrats privately expressed relief that Mr. Obama and his aides were taking action, given the unpopular governor’s potential to drag down the ticket next fall; others were angry at what they saw as heavy-handed tactics by the president’s political team, saying that it was not for the White House to determine Mr. Paterson’s political future.

So racist 0bama also hates blind people?
Talk about a power grab. The President has absoloutely no right to ask anybody to not run....ESPECIALLY those in state seats. This guy believes he is the supreme commander or something. I wonder if he's ever read the Constitution or if he is like some of our friends?
It's interesting that this is the second time he jumped into top-tier state politics with his anointed wishes.

Stay tuned for his up coming UN-American meeting as Magnus.

I'm also wondering how a US President is able to to hold a title at the UN? I must be thinking about one of those silly and out-dated parts of the COTUS.
Talk about a power grab. The President has absoloutely no right to ask anybody to not run....ESPECIALLY those in state seats.

He's allowed to have an opinion on whatever he wants. He has no right to tell he can't run but he certainly has a right to ask.

Damn you guys whine about stupid shit.
He's allowed to have an opinion on whatever he wants. He has no right to tell he can't run but he certainly has a right to ask.

Damn you guys whine about stupid shit.

Stupid shit? The federal gov't owns several large corporatiosn & is now stiking its nose into state affairs.

You ought to be worried too.
This is the guy who wanted to allow people who aren't american citizens to vote. So the fact that Obama isn't supporting him is bad because.... ummm... why?
Because a PoTUS shouldn't stick his schnozz into a state's election process.

Next thing you know, he's going to be telling the CEOs of auto manufacturers to step down.......Oh, wait. Never mind.
Boooooosh! "campaigned with."

0blahbla "urges to withdraw."

Campaigning is typical of a political process.

Telling someone to withdraw their campaign is typical of a totalitarian regime.

Boooooosh! "campaigned with."

0blahbla "urges to withdraw."

Campaigning is typical of a political process.

Telling someone to withdraw their campaign is typical of a totalitarian regime.


Nope, one is expressing approval and one disapproval. Either is their right.

Either you're for them being able to have an opinion on state matters or you're not.

"totalitarian regime" :laugh: I see you've pulled the drama queen card again.
Even the headline of your link calls what Booooosh! did "campaigning." :rolleyes:

The 0bomba admin is telling Paterson not to pursue the gov's office because they don't think he has a chance to win, certainly not if he ran against Giuliani, and they would hate to see NY run by a Repub Gov.

Either that, or he would like to see Hillary out of his cabinet. :shrug:
I wonder if Obama would be asking Paterson not to run if Paterson hadn't pissed him off by selecting Kirsten Gillibrand to replace Hillary Clinton in the senate. Someone who knows Obama less well than myself might think he's trying to stick it to someone he has a personal beef with and is using the "he's unpopular" thing as cover. Seems like if they were really so worried about Giuliani running and getting out the GOP vote, they'd put the pressure on Andrew Cuomo to jump into the Democrat race and let the unpopularity of Paterson and the popularity of Cuomo take care of things in the primary without a controversial move by the White House, and then the crap about "oh, his unpopularity is going to drag down the Democrat congressmen" won't be a problem.

As for Bush getting brought up yet again... do people running for a seat somewhere who are the same party as the president or some other prominent politician ask that prominent politician to campaign for them? I seem to remember a few Republicans not wanting Bush to campaign for them. I'm pretty sure his campaign appearances were with the consent of the candidates, instead of unsolicited like what Obama's request is. Also, were Bush's campaign appearances before the primaries or after?
Even the headline of your link calls what Booooosh! did "campaigning."

No shit he was campaigning. Campaigning is showing your approval and trying to influence the election. Obama expressed his opinion the other way.

You can't allow one without the other.

The 0bomba admin is telling Paterson not to pursue the gov's office because they don't think he has a chance to win

Sounds smart, good move.

Stop with the psuedo drama.
Campaigning is a traditional political device, used by politicians throughout the years. A president will typically put his support behind his party's candidates in governor's races.

Alternately, a sitting PoTUS telling a governor not to run in his state's next election cycle is egregiously unprecedented.

Oooops! Now there's a flip-flop alert on this story!
IMO it's not right to keep binging bush up at this point.
HE'S an EX.

2 wrongs don't make a right, except in math sometimes I guess.
I mostly agree with Cat. If you didn't like it when Bush did it, how can you possibly use it as excusable now? The corollary isn't absolute, tho. That you let it pass for Bush doesn't mean you have to let it pass now ... but you do look like an ass in the process. Time moves forward ... we're supposed to be improving, not repeating the same mistakes. Spike, are you saying you didn't have any objection to Bush helping campaign at the state level? For the record.

Gonz, cerise, you're both on record as objecting. I expect you to remember that position when next a republican sits on the US throne.
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