0bama vs. The Military Veterans


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON, DC (March 16, 2009) – The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization says he is “deeply disappointed and concerned” after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases.

Zero has been quite clear on the fact that he loathes the military, wanted them to fail in Iraq, and now instead of expanding the VA insurance program, is curtailing it and spitting in the faces of our veterans.

He is doing a disservice to those that fought in wars, those we all owe a debt to for preserving our liberty and making the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Change you can believe in. I predict repercussions for this.
Zero has been quite clear on the fact that he loathes the military, wanted them to fail in Iraq, and now instead of expanding the VA insurance program, is curtailing it and spitting in the faces of our veterans.

Why would you feel the need to start this discussion off with complete lies and bullshit?

The private insurance thing is one plan under consideration. Do you really need to misrepresent shit in some kind of alarmist crap.

And where was your outrage over Bush's treatment of the VA exactly?

Bush's VA Healthcare Budget a Recipe for Disaster

Veterans Groups Critical of Bush's VA Budget
Try to stick to the concept of "now".

Zero wants to remove VA medical treatment all together, and send the bill to the combat wounded. It is disrespectful of their service to our country to treat our warriors like this.
billy clinton ripped the military a new one, and I don't think it's been the same since.
all this, and we got the mexican military is building on the border, to fight
the cartels, they say, and what's the pres. response???
Try to stick to the concept of "now".

Try to answer the question:

where was your outrage over Bush's treatment of the VA exactly?

Bush's VA Healthcare Budget a Recipe for Disaster

Veterans Groups Critical of Bush's VA Budget

Zero wants to remove VA medical treatment all together, and send the bill to the combat wounded.

Another lie. There is one plan under consideration where their insurance companies would pay some claims.

You also missed the question "Why would you feel the need to start this discussion off with complete lies and bullshit?"

Don't be scared.
i'd like to see the person that originated the thread link to something that contains actual information about the actual plans rather than an article that has a bunch of people getting grumpy about, well, something that we are left guessing at.

notice the first comment at bottom of the fact-free article. says something like "this is nothing new."

please explain that one, too, cerise.
Try to answer the question:

where was your outrage over Bush's treatment of the VA exactly?

Bush's VA Healthcare Budget a Recipe for Disaster

Veterans Groups Critical of Bush's VA Budget

Error 404--Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

Another lie. There is one plan under consideration where their insurance companies would pay some claims.

Link to that badboy.

You also missed the question "Why would you feel the need to start this discussion off with complete lies and bullshit?"

What are the lie and bullshit?

Don't be scared.


Read all about it:

Obama mulls making vets foot bill for service injuries


Meanwhile, a new poll by the independent Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has found Obama’s approval rating falling to 59 percent from 64 percent in February. It also found the ranks of Americans who disapprove of his job performance rising, to 26 percent from 17 percent.
i'd like to see the person that originated the thread link to something that contains actual information about the actual plans rather than an article that has a bunch of people getting grumpy about, well, something that we are left guessing at.

"That bunch of people" goes on to say:

“It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,” said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. “He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it.”
The Commander, clearly angered as he emerged from the session said, “This reimbursement plan would be inconsistent with the mandate ‘… to care for him who shall have borne the battle…’ given that the United States government sent members of the armed forces into harm’s way, and not private insurance companies. I say again that The American Legion does not and will not support any plan that seeks to bill a veteran for treatment of a service connected disability at the very agency that was created to treat the unique need of America’s veterans!”

But since you insist:

Obama mulls making vets foot bill for service injuries

Wait....you'd rather believe CNN:

Senators slam plan for wounded vets to use private insurance

notice the first comment at bottom of the fact-free article. says something like "this is nothing new."

please explain that one, too, cerise.

The next one "nice try, but no cigar" explains that comment very well.

With this budget, we don't just fully fund our VA health care program -- we expand it to serve an additional 500,000 veterans by 2013; to provide better health care in more places; and to dramatically improve services related to mental health and injuries like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. We also invest in the technology to cut red tape and ease the transition from active duty. And we provide new help for homeless veterans, because those heroes have a home -- it's the country they served, the United States of America. And until we reach a day when not a single veteran sleeps on our nation's streets, our work remains unfinished.
sorry cerise, there's still a notable lack of detail on exactly what is being proposed, and, for that matter, how strongly it is being supported & by whom.

all i see is a bunch of people angry about some notion of billing private insurance for war injuries. yes, that is certainly a disagreeable notion, but let's see what is actually under consideration.

when you have something concrete, we'd all like to see it.
Error 404--Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

Bush's VA Healthcare Budget a Recipe for Disaster

Veterans Groups Critical of Bush's VA Budget

Link to that badboy.

You've already linked to the info. You just misread it.

What are the lie and bullshit?

"Zero has been quite clear on the fact that he loathes the military, wanted them to fail in Iraq, and now instead of expanding the VA insurance program, is curtailing it and spitting in the faces of our veterans."

Answering questions.
Even that is pretty iffy.

The most recent poll I could find with that question in a quick search was pretty one sided the other way...

Iraqis Say They Were Better Off Under Hussein

Better today 5%

Better before 90%

Not sure 5%


Yeah you have a point. I guess what I should have said is that Iraqis are better off in our opinion and by our standards. You and I both know though that that war had nothing at all to do with terrorism, even if it was actually terrorists who blew up the trade centers.
Oh and incidentally Cerise, even though Bush's record on veterans affairs was piss poor, I'm sure he has no hatred of the military. It's just that he has no real respect for them.

Even IF there is anything to the crap you posted, I read something in it about the policy not being applicable to vets who do not have medical insurance. If a veteran has coverage that will cover him, why should the government pay for his care, if the insurance he carries covers the care? In the case of 100% disability a vet gets free medical for life. I agree we should take care of our vets, Obama agrees too, but is faced with economic crisis, I am sure even Bush cared, yet he made poor decisions on the issue.

Like I've said before and will say again about the garbage you post:

Cerise said: