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Luis G said:i was talking in the common definition of socialism, the Nazi hated socialist/communist blocks, the USSR just happened to be the biggest.
so·cial·ism Pronunciation Key (ssh-lzm)
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The Nazis fit the description.
Again, the Nazis hated the Marxists. They were in a competition for power with them. They may have opposed this or that specific goal of the communists, but mostly they were opposed to the idea of class warfare. That doesn't mean they weren't socialists, they were just a different brand of socialist. You need to read some history of that period. There were lots of different types of socialists running around at the time. They had different ideals and goals, and they often strove to distinguish themselves from one another by denouncing each other. (Think of that scene in Life of Brian...)