100,000 Communists March On Washington

Luis G said:
i was talking in the common definition of socialism ;), the Nazi hated socialist/communist blocks, the USSR just happened to be the biggest.

so·cial·ism Pronunciation Key (ssh-lzm)
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

The Nazis fit the description.

Again, the Nazis hated the Marxists. They were in a competition for power with them. They may have opposed this or that specific goal of the communists, but mostly they were opposed to the idea of class warfare. That doesn't mean they weren't socialists, they were just a different brand of socialist. You need to read some history of that period. There were lots of different types of socialists running around at the time. They had different ideals and goals, and they often strove to distinguish themselves from one another by denouncing each other. (Think of that scene in Life of Brian...)
the nazis hated everyone for crying out loud!! LL anti-war does not= communist. i am anti war and i am also not communist. i prefer capitalism where people should fucking earn what they work for. i only support war in cases like Hitler,Stalin and Mussolini who were a threat to the world. but in general i hate war please dont confuse communism with anti-war or leftist thought. there is a difference.
Luis G said:
isn't socialism commonly used to describe "marx's socialism"?

Don't you consider yourself a socialist? Do you also consider yourself a Marxist? Marx referred to his system as communism in order to distinguish it from other forms of socialism. If you're a Marxist socialist, then you shouldn't object to the term "communist". :shrug:
Ardsgaine said:
Luis G said:
isn't socialism commonly used to describe "marx's socialism"?

Don't you consider yourself a socialist? Do you also consider yourself a Marxist? Marx referred to his system as communism in order to distinguish it from other forms of socialism. If you're a Marxist socialist, then you shouldn't object to the term "communist". :shrug:
ris said:
i have given clear warnings in the past about the use of the term communists and the guises under which it is to be used. this is now the final one.

future threads that uses it as an unecessary blanket term for socialists, or any group clearly chosen for coverage by the derogatory term will be locked.

wow. its funny cuz ur acting just like stallin did to his countries press.

this is so funny.
stingray_sting said:
ris said:
i have given clear warnings in the past about the use of the term communists and the guises under which it is to be used. this is now the final one.

future threads that uses it as an unecessary blanket term for socialists, or any group clearly chosen for coverage by the derogatory term will be locked.

wow. its funny cuz ur acting just like stallin did to his countries press.

this is so funny.

tis a tad ironic, isn't it.
stingray_sting said:
ris said:
i have given clear warnings in the past about the use of the term communists and the guises under which it is to be used. this is now the final one.

future threads that uses it as an unecessary blanket term for socialists, or any group clearly chosen for coverage by the derogatory term will be locked.

wow. its funny cuz ur acting just like stallin did to his countries press.

this is so funny.
:D yup
PuterTutor said:
tis a tad ironic, isn't it.

I understand what Ris is saying, I just think it's funny that the name Marx chose for his philosophy is now considered such a derogatory term by socialists. :p
please share luis. ards you said it best when describing karl marx. it is communism. however he called it socialism which can create comfusion but it is communism.
Luis G said:
Ards, i have my own theory of socialism ;)

Okay. So did the Nazis and the Italian fascists. I'm just pointing out that one can be a socialist without being a Marxist.

Economically, the common denominator for socialism is state control of the economy; politically, all forms of socialism require the sacrifice of individual rights for the "good of society."

I don't know if you bothered to check out that link in one of my previous posts, but you can see by reading their program that the Nazis were

The background ideology of socialism can vary widely from class struggle to racial superiority to national destiny, etc. The dominant ideology among socialists today is probably environmentalism. Most also subscribe to some form of multi-culturalism. That's just window dressing, though, as far as I'm concerned. Unchecked, all socialism leads eventually to totalitarianism.
well, actually, from what I understand of marx, one should be overjoyed to be called a communist (I mean a socialist). Communism was the final stage in his theory, which they never actually reached. So, to be called a communist would be giving more credit than was actually do, since even the USSR didn't make it past the socialism stage of the theory. There never has been a TRUE communist state, only socialist states, so the use of the term that we have been accustom to is simply wrong anyway. But whatever. I'm not a philosopher or a marxist so say what you like, this is just the way I understood it.
RD_151 said:
Communism was the final stage in his theory, which they never actually reached. So, to be called a communist would be giving more credit than was actually do

I would say that anyone who accepts Marx's theory and is working to achieve that final stage of development is a communist. Certainly Marx considered himself a communist, and he wasn't dwelling in a communist utopia.

There never has been a TRUE communist state

And there never will be, in the sense that you mean that. For one thing, Marx believed that when true communism was achieved, there would be no state. But that state of statelessness won't ever be reached either, because socialism cannot exist without state force. People have a strange resistance to being cannibalized unless forced into it. Every country that has attempted to implement Marx's communist state has ended up slaughtering millions of its citizens.
The biggest flaws in Marx's plan were:
1. Not everyone was as smart as he was
2. People are inherantly selfish.

But that's just my opinion.
Marx was an idiot. He didn't understand the first thing about economics. Every country that's tried to follow his theory has ended up in ruins.

As far as people being selfish, they're not inherently so, but if they want to live well and be happy, then they ought to be selfish, in the egoistic sense of being concerned with their best interests.
i just have to say this

Homer Simpson:
In theory communism works

ive said that many times regarding it and to expand a little. in theory it works in life well ummmm the ussr is gone and the only countries i can think of that use it are in the shits(unless China is out of the pit now)
freako104 said:
in theory it works in life well ummmm the ussr is gone and the only countries i can think of that use it are in the shits(unless China is out of the pit now)

China is no longer communist. They've given up any pretense of following Marxist theory. I would classify them as fascist-- very nationalistic, some private ownership of property, but a mostly state-dominated economy.

What other countries still believe? I dunno... Cuba? North Korea? Nah... I think Communism is just a dead herring. :p

The only true believers in Marx are a few calcified professors in American universities. That doesn't mean that socialism is dead, of course... the war goes on.
freako104 said:
please share luis. ards you said it best when describing karl marx. it is communism. however he called it socialism which can create comfusion but it is communism.

i remember a while ago i discussed about it, i decided to rest my case and not talk about it since it was leading nowhere.
Luis G said:
freako104 said:
please share luis. ards you said it best when describing karl marx. it is communism. however he called it socialism which can create comfusion but it is communism.

i remember a while ago i discussed about it, i decided to rest my case and not talk about it since it was leading nowhere.
His theories are kinda complex... he tried to explain it to me on MSN and I got a bit of it... Interesting, but not something I'd believe in. ;)