100 Days 100 Mistakes

Oh, Shit

In April, for the second straight month, the number of Republicans in the nation fell by roughly half a percentage point. The number of Democrats remained unchanged from a month ago.

Oh no.


Just 21% of GOP voters believe Republicans in Congress have done a good job representing their own party’s values, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Sixty-nine percent (69%) say congressional Republicans have lost touch with GOP voters throughout the nation. These findings are virtually unchanged from a survey just after Election Day.
Among all voters, 73% say Republicans in Congress have lost touch with the GOP base.



SUMMARY: Echoing other conservative media figures' claims about Gallup polls, Ann Coulter falsely claimed President Obama is "actually the second least popular president, 100 days in, we've had in 40 years." In fact, Gallup itself recently reported that, by two different measures, Obama's approval rating is the second highest of any president since 1969.



At 100 Days, Obama Approval Broad as Well as Deep
Solid majorities of everyone but Republicans and conservatives approve
by Lydia Saad

PRINCETON, NJ -- As President Barack Obama concludes his first 100 days on the job, Gallup Poll Daily tracking for the week of April 20-26 finds 65% of Americans approving of how he is doing and only 29% disapproving. Obama's average weekly job ratings have varied only slightly thus far, ranging from 61% to 67%.


The GOP: divorced from reality
The Republican base is behaving like a guy who just got dumped by his wife.
By Bill Maher
April 24, 2009

More news cited from comedy central.... :laugh3:

Next you'll be parading cartoons as news ....oh wai.. :retard3:








Oh no!




Fuck, what happened?


Maybe Obama should face the people on FOX News and explain, transparency.
  • P2+ Prime Time
  • FNC – 2,735,000 viewers
  • CNN – 632,000 viewers
  • MSNBC –1,063,000 viewers
  • CNBC – 348,000 viewers
  • HLN –581,000 viewers
(CBS) President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent.

Seventy-three percent say they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush has handled his job as president over the last eight years.

Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago.

Re: 100 Days thousands of mistakes

Low approval ratings?
Another milestone our magic Negro will easily surpass.
Heck din he already win the Nobel?
Osama will have the ignominy of presiding over the great depression
and Sarah will get credit for pulling our bacon outta the fire !

Fantasy land again.
Hey, I think we've found our new source for alternative energy!

Spin Spin Spin.....weeeee.

Hook up a generator to this thread. :D
< 100 Days > 1.4 trillion dollars worth of mistakes?

It's like that red matter in the new Star Trek movie
it bores to the earths core and collapses the whole planet.
Re: < 100 Days > 1.4 trillion dollars worth of mistakes?

You could be onto something here.


"we're here from the future, you will watch the destruction of your planet"