I really enjoyed drafting out the last one so here I go again, nearly 5 years after the first. 
1. I had idle time in the office today so I decided to look into OTC. It's been a while.
2. I now work in the only publicly listed internet company in the country and am one of the top ten senior executives.
3. The servers I manage are all for our online casino business that has gross revenues of over US$1.5 billion a year.
4. I am now a "corporate yuppie" and am enjoying myself, the clothes and the lifestyle.
5. I don't gamble at all despite running 92 online casinos.
6. I'll be 34 on August 2.
7. I have never been happier in all aspects of my life than I am now.
8. I am down to only two jobs and spend more time with my son. I've found that work isn't as important as spending time with Mano. The other job is setting up a hotel at a tropical hotspot.
9. Mano is 4 feet tall and 62 pounds now. Here are some images of us at a recent holiday on Boracay Island:
10. We (he, his nanny and I) go on holiday every 6 - 8 weeks.
11. He starts his third year of school in July.
12. This year, I will throw him a huge birthday party and won't invite any adults. Just kids and nanny's.
13. I am no longer dating his mother. We broke up before Mano turned 1.
14. I am now dating the HOTTEST woman I have ever seen and am completely smitten.
15. She doesn't like motorcycles and I no longer have any... for now.
16. She doesn't know how to drive but has a lot of cars in her garage - all for different purposes.
17. I'm down to two cars and will get a third before year's end. There is a 2008 Subaru Impreza Turbo that I just have to have since I no longer have a bike.
18. Fuel prices have gone up but my company pays for it so I don't mind having cars that have huge engine displacements.
19. I wake up at 9.00AM everyday.
20. Through work, I must buy over 500 PC's and 20 enterprise class servers every month.
21. I no longer lust for computer hardware and my computer supplier gives me everything I want for free.
22. I have presented to the board of directors to buy out my supplier for an undisclosed amount that they already approved.
23. I am a professional venture capitalist and I have made jobs for hundreds and put smiles on the faces of thousands.
24. I am very careful not to hurt anyone in any of the processes I implement.
25. I use a Sony Ericsson K800i and will never have a Blackberry.
26. As soon as the clock hits 7.30PM and on weekends, I switch my phone off so no one can find me. For emergencies, the right people will know how to get in touch with me if they deem it important enough.
27. My girlfriend designs clothing and specializes in cocktail dresses that are all very short and extremely pleasing to my eyes and wears every design she conjurs up.
28. She names a lot of her new designs after names I come up with from the IT world: Greenplum, Solvento, Glassfish, Asterisk, Linux, etc.
29. She doesn't know a thing about computers!
30. I now travel quite a bit and am learning to enjoy it. Sometime next year, I'm off to Holland, Greece, Italy, France and Spain with her. In two weeks, we leave for Bali, Indonesia and later in the year, I'd like to take her to the Maldives.
31. I spent a lot of time in Europe in 2005 after my father passed.
32. I was looking for a new place to run away to. In the end, I decided that I never wanted to be away from my son for more then 2 weeks at most.
33. I am now working my dream job but I somehow have to find a way to get this company involved in bikes and boats.
34. I've sat through an earthquake at my office and I never stopped drafting the document I was working on.
35. I now build server farms and am considered a netowrk architect in my field but my official, listed position is Vice President of Networking and Technology which I think is really cool.
36. I am the youngest executive in my company and dress the most casually.
37. I no longer get my hands dirty fixing bikes, boats and computers but wish I had the time to do it all over again.
38. I have all the same friends I had since 15 years ago and still continue to make more every, single day.
39. My girlfriend has an incalculable number of friends all over the world.
40. She went to university in Italy and took her masters there as well. Fashion!
41. As of this writing, she arrived in Rome 30 minutes ago and just checked into one of the hotels. I wish I could take a few days off to be with her. She's meeting a friend who's coming in from London.
42. She personally knows Armani and had coffee with him two days ago in Milan.
43. I think I'm going to marry this woman but have no idea how I'm going to propose. This'll be my second time to propose marriage.
44. It's 2.46AM where I am and my son is wide awake watching "The Incredibles".
45. I never enjoyed food and restaurants before but am now warming up to the fact that eating out with my girlfriend is time well spent. We eat out every night that we are together.
46. I am setting up a whole new casino and am looking for an experienced casino manager who already lives in Asia and can capture the Chinese and European market.
47. I am also setting up two new departments in my company; Special Projects and Testing. I want one person to take on both roles so I have less managers working for me.
48. I am still as polite as humanly possible with everyone around me and new people I meet.
49. I would very much be honored to fly on Singapore Airlines' new Airbus A380 that I saw in the Singapore airport en route to Bali last November.
50. I cut all but one of my credit cards and only use cash now-a-days.
51. I only bank with HSBC and I highly recommend it.
52. I still use a 4 or 5 year old digital camera... Sony DSC-F717 for all my nice pictures. For mucking around, I have an underwater/shockproof Olympus!
53. My computer at home runs an Intel Quad-Core with 4GB of DDR2 RAM and I still insist on using SCSI drives made by Seagate. I will never stop using XP Professional.
54. My casino servers run Four Quad-Cores, 64GB or RAM, all with HBA Controllers connected to an EVA solution with nearly 10TB of usable storage. They are all Foundry redundant and are utilizing Blade technolgy.
55. For reports, I haven't deicded on Solvento or Greenplum. I am very interested in Sun Microsystems and have to come up with a total solution before the year ends.
56. My office overlooks most of the city.
57. I never used to go out on the week days but now find myself out a lot. My grilfriend enjoys the night life and now, I'm beginning to again.
58. For my birthday this year, my girlfriend is taking me to the same island my son and I were just at. I am very excited.
59. She said that'll be half the present, the other half will be a surprise.
60. The new bike I want costs about US$2,400 brand new and another US$800 for the wheels I'd like to put on it. It's a simple Honda XR200 Motard that I'd like to use to get around quickly.
61. In this country, it is a delivery bike that messengers use and I'll be more than happy to use one as well.
62. It's maximum speed is about 120KPH but that isn't the point.
63. In 2006, my yacht sank and I would like to have another one in the future. Something smaller, faster and newer. I've been looking at Azimut and like their 63S but know I cannot afford it for years to come.
64. I like Facebook!
65. I get to see all my friends, everyday, no matter where in the world they are.
66. I now have a professional web developer rebuilding Mano's online picture album. It should be up in about a month or so.
67. Mano is really into sports, he likes computers and doesn't do very much gaming. I am proud of that.
68. His mother and I maintain a better relationship now then we did when we were dating.
69. She now works at the International School as the Alumni Coordinator and is very happy. Her tiny little Civic has a monster engine and is faster then any car I have ever owned but I don't think it can keep up with the Subaru I am praying to get a hold of.
70. I have a better sound system though.
71. My iPod Touch is awesome and every single track I have was ripped from a CD. I do not support downloading of songs or movies through P2P applications or Torrents.
73. I need to find a great pair of Jimmy Choo's before Wednesday.
74. I saw an incredible Chloe Padington and need the Jimmy Choo's to match it.
75. I just got a call... it was for no reason at all other then to say hi from Rome.
76. I still love OTC and all the people that I can remember from years back.
77. I would like to see Andrea Bocelli in concert.
78. My company just told me that we are ready to build the Vegas or Macau of the Philippines. I would like to be appointed for the technological end of matters along with my direct superior who is a friendly Canadian that I get along with very well.
79. I quit smoking for 6 months to win a bet. I felt so bad for the loser of the bet that after the six month mark, I purposely smoked so she wouldn't have to give me what we originally bet on.
80. I broke three bones in my right hand on April 7 when I punched through quarter inch thick, tempered glass.
81. I was put in a cast that same night and took it off two days later becasue I couldn't work propoerly. The bone never healed right and my hand is slightly warped.
82. I used a webcam for the first time this month. I like Skype and everything about it.
83. I would like to vacuum the interior of one of my cars tomorrow since I plan on staying home all day.
84. Mano and I will probably get a haircut and do some clothes shopping for him since nothing fits anymore.
85. I got a discount card to the place he enjoys clothes shopping the most. My other boss in the company owns the line.
86. He likes Crocs and must have 30 - 35 pairs in all colors. Only 10 of those still fit his feet.
87. How I Met Your Mother is the most hilarious TV show since Friends.
88. I would very much like to live in a house that is a 5 minute walk away from my office. Right now, it is a 30 minute drive.
89. My digital images of Mano has now grown to nerly 20,000 and are backed up in servers all over the world.
90. I am now asleep before midnight, every night. I don't look a day older then I was 8 years ago. In fact, my friends tell me I am looking younger and healthier. I don't know why that is.
91. Mano is turning out to be a perfect gentleman! He opens doors for women and stands every time one sits or leaves a table. I am proud of the way I am raising him. I would like him to be kind and humble for all time.
92. I definitely want another child now. A girl who will look at me and smile.
93. I will teach Mano to care for her as I do him.
94. I have been listening the Fresh Feeling by The Eels for a month now. It's my favorite song for now.
95. I can't wait to go to Ibiza by boat from Italy.
96. I will control myself and not party like I did in my 20's.
97. I no longer own white socks but will need to get a pair soon. I have white shoes on the way along with a white belt.
98. I just visited HardwareCentral. They still haven't removed the ads all over the right side of the boards. I can't believe how much traffic that site is still getting.
99. I solve all my hardware problems now by outsourcing it to other companies that are dying to work with me. That makes me very proud of the work I now do.
100. I am morally bothered at the core business of my work but will continue on this path because of the career options it has provided thus far.
101. My girlfriend's name is Sans.
1. I had idle time in the office today so I decided to look into OTC. It's been a while.
2. I now work in the only publicly listed internet company in the country and am one of the top ten senior executives.
3. The servers I manage are all for our online casino business that has gross revenues of over US$1.5 billion a year.
4. I am now a "corporate yuppie" and am enjoying myself, the clothes and the lifestyle.
5. I don't gamble at all despite running 92 online casinos.
6. I'll be 34 on August 2.
7. I have never been happier in all aspects of my life than I am now.
8. I am down to only two jobs and spend more time with my son. I've found that work isn't as important as spending time with Mano. The other job is setting up a hotel at a tropical hotspot.
9. Mano is 4 feet tall and 62 pounds now. Here are some images of us at a recent holiday on Boracay Island:

10. We (he, his nanny and I) go on holiday every 6 - 8 weeks.
11. He starts his third year of school in July.
12. This year, I will throw him a huge birthday party and won't invite any adults. Just kids and nanny's.
13. I am no longer dating his mother. We broke up before Mano turned 1.
14. I am now dating the HOTTEST woman I have ever seen and am completely smitten.
15. She doesn't like motorcycles and I no longer have any... for now.
16. She doesn't know how to drive but has a lot of cars in her garage - all for different purposes.
17. I'm down to two cars and will get a third before year's end. There is a 2008 Subaru Impreza Turbo that I just have to have since I no longer have a bike.
18. Fuel prices have gone up but my company pays for it so I don't mind having cars that have huge engine displacements.
19. I wake up at 9.00AM everyday.
20. Through work, I must buy over 500 PC's and 20 enterprise class servers every month.
21. I no longer lust for computer hardware and my computer supplier gives me everything I want for free.
22. I have presented to the board of directors to buy out my supplier for an undisclosed amount that they already approved.
23. I am a professional venture capitalist and I have made jobs for hundreds and put smiles on the faces of thousands.
24. I am very careful not to hurt anyone in any of the processes I implement.
25. I use a Sony Ericsson K800i and will never have a Blackberry.
26. As soon as the clock hits 7.30PM and on weekends, I switch my phone off so no one can find me. For emergencies, the right people will know how to get in touch with me if they deem it important enough.
27. My girlfriend designs clothing and specializes in cocktail dresses that are all very short and extremely pleasing to my eyes and wears every design she conjurs up.
28. She names a lot of her new designs after names I come up with from the IT world: Greenplum, Solvento, Glassfish, Asterisk, Linux, etc.
29. She doesn't know a thing about computers!
30. I now travel quite a bit and am learning to enjoy it. Sometime next year, I'm off to Holland, Greece, Italy, France and Spain with her. In two weeks, we leave for Bali, Indonesia and later in the year, I'd like to take her to the Maldives.
31. I spent a lot of time in Europe in 2005 after my father passed.
32. I was looking for a new place to run away to. In the end, I decided that I never wanted to be away from my son for more then 2 weeks at most.
33. I am now working my dream job but I somehow have to find a way to get this company involved in bikes and boats.
34. I've sat through an earthquake at my office and I never stopped drafting the document I was working on.
35. I now build server farms and am considered a netowrk architect in my field but my official, listed position is Vice President of Networking and Technology which I think is really cool.
36. I am the youngest executive in my company and dress the most casually.
37. I no longer get my hands dirty fixing bikes, boats and computers but wish I had the time to do it all over again.
38. I have all the same friends I had since 15 years ago and still continue to make more every, single day.
39. My girlfriend has an incalculable number of friends all over the world.
40. She went to university in Italy and took her masters there as well. Fashion!
41. As of this writing, she arrived in Rome 30 minutes ago and just checked into one of the hotels. I wish I could take a few days off to be with her. She's meeting a friend who's coming in from London.
42. She personally knows Armani and had coffee with him two days ago in Milan.
43. I think I'm going to marry this woman but have no idea how I'm going to propose. This'll be my second time to propose marriage.
44. It's 2.46AM where I am and my son is wide awake watching "The Incredibles".
45. I never enjoyed food and restaurants before but am now warming up to the fact that eating out with my girlfriend is time well spent. We eat out every night that we are together.
46. I am setting up a whole new casino and am looking for an experienced casino manager who already lives in Asia and can capture the Chinese and European market.
47. I am also setting up two new departments in my company; Special Projects and Testing. I want one person to take on both roles so I have less managers working for me.
48. I am still as polite as humanly possible with everyone around me and new people I meet.
49. I would very much be honored to fly on Singapore Airlines' new Airbus A380 that I saw in the Singapore airport en route to Bali last November.
50. I cut all but one of my credit cards and only use cash now-a-days.
51. I only bank with HSBC and I highly recommend it.
52. I still use a 4 or 5 year old digital camera... Sony DSC-F717 for all my nice pictures. For mucking around, I have an underwater/shockproof Olympus!
53. My computer at home runs an Intel Quad-Core with 4GB of DDR2 RAM and I still insist on using SCSI drives made by Seagate. I will never stop using XP Professional.
54. My casino servers run Four Quad-Cores, 64GB or RAM, all with HBA Controllers connected to an EVA solution with nearly 10TB of usable storage. They are all Foundry redundant and are utilizing Blade technolgy.
55. For reports, I haven't deicded on Solvento or Greenplum. I am very interested in Sun Microsystems and have to come up with a total solution before the year ends.
56. My office overlooks most of the city.
57. I never used to go out on the week days but now find myself out a lot. My grilfriend enjoys the night life and now, I'm beginning to again.
58. For my birthday this year, my girlfriend is taking me to the same island my son and I were just at. I am very excited.
59. She said that'll be half the present, the other half will be a surprise.
60. The new bike I want costs about US$2,400 brand new and another US$800 for the wheels I'd like to put on it. It's a simple Honda XR200 Motard that I'd like to use to get around quickly.
61. In this country, it is a delivery bike that messengers use and I'll be more than happy to use one as well.
62. It's maximum speed is about 120KPH but that isn't the point.
63. In 2006, my yacht sank and I would like to have another one in the future. Something smaller, faster and newer. I've been looking at Azimut and like their 63S but know I cannot afford it for years to come.
64. I like Facebook!
65. I get to see all my friends, everyday, no matter where in the world they are.
66. I now have a professional web developer rebuilding Mano's online picture album. It should be up in about a month or so.
67. Mano is really into sports, he likes computers and doesn't do very much gaming. I am proud of that.
68. His mother and I maintain a better relationship now then we did when we were dating.
69. She now works at the International School as the Alumni Coordinator and is very happy. Her tiny little Civic has a monster engine and is faster then any car I have ever owned but I don't think it can keep up with the Subaru I am praying to get a hold of.
70. I have a better sound system though.
71. My iPod Touch is awesome and every single track I have was ripped from a CD. I do not support downloading of songs or movies through P2P applications or Torrents.
73. I need to find a great pair of Jimmy Choo's before Wednesday.
74. I saw an incredible Chloe Padington and need the Jimmy Choo's to match it.
75. I just got a call... it was for no reason at all other then to say hi from Rome.
76. I still love OTC and all the people that I can remember from years back.
77. I would like to see Andrea Bocelli in concert.
78. My company just told me that we are ready to build the Vegas or Macau of the Philippines. I would like to be appointed for the technological end of matters along with my direct superior who is a friendly Canadian that I get along with very well.
79. I quit smoking for 6 months to win a bet. I felt so bad for the loser of the bet that after the six month mark, I purposely smoked so she wouldn't have to give me what we originally bet on.
80. I broke three bones in my right hand on April 7 when I punched through quarter inch thick, tempered glass.
81. I was put in a cast that same night and took it off two days later becasue I couldn't work propoerly. The bone never healed right and my hand is slightly warped.
82. I used a webcam for the first time this month. I like Skype and everything about it.
83. I would like to vacuum the interior of one of my cars tomorrow since I plan on staying home all day.
84. Mano and I will probably get a haircut and do some clothes shopping for him since nothing fits anymore.
85. I got a discount card to the place he enjoys clothes shopping the most. My other boss in the company owns the line.
86. He likes Crocs and must have 30 - 35 pairs in all colors. Only 10 of those still fit his feet.
87. How I Met Your Mother is the most hilarious TV show since Friends.
88. I would very much like to live in a house that is a 5 minute walk away from my office. Right now, it is a 30 minute drive.
89. My digital images of Mano has now grown to nerly 20,000 and are backed up in servers all over the world.
90. I am now asleep before midnight, every night. I don't look a day older then I was 8 years ago. In fact, my friends tell me I am looking younger and healthier. I don't know why that is.
91. Mano is turning out to be a perfect gentleman! He opens doors for women and stands every time one sits or leaves a table. I am proud of the way I am raising him. I would like him to be kind and humble for all time.
92. I definitely want another child now. A girl who will look at me and smile.
93. I will teach Mano to care for her as I do him.
94. I have been listening the Fresh Feeling by The Eels for a month now. It's my favorite song for now.
95. I can't wait to go to Ibiza by boat from Italy.
96. I will control myself and not party like I did in my 20's.
97. I no longer own white socks but will need to get a pair soon. I have white shoes on the way along with a white belt.
98. I just visited HardwareCentral. They still haven't removed the ads all over the right side of the boards. I can't believe how much traffic that site is still getting.
99. I solve all my hardware problems now by outsourcing it to other companies that are dying to work with me. That makes me very proud of the work I now do.
100. I am morally bothered at the core business of my work but will continue on this path because of the career options it has provided thus far.
101. My girlfriend's name is Sans.