11 year old boy admits to killing toddler


New Member
This is just sad. And sick. And frustrating. And maddening. And sad. :(


NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey (AP) -- An 11-year-old boy has pleaded guilty to kidnapping and murdering a 3-year-old, admitting he beat the toddler with a baseball bat and dumped him face down in a drainage ditch.

Aaron Kean, who was 10 at the time of the crime, told a judge Thursday that he brutalized the youngster because the boy was bothering him and wanted to use his scooter, people who attended the closed juvenile proceeding told The Star-Ledger of Newark.
Apparently he can be listed under the Meagan's Law for kidnapping, even though he's only 10 (at the time of the crime). There was some questions about sexual disturbances since the toddler was found with his pants down, but that has apparently been disregarded.
God, that's just really sad :(

And unbelievably sick. Unfortunately it's not the first time something like that has happened - I wonder if the kids who do such things are really old enough to understand what they had done. And if they have the capabilities to show true remorse?
What is going on in this world of ours?!! That is disgusting and demented. I can't believe this child understood what he was doing.
Now what do you do here exactly? You cant put a 10 year old in prison for life. How do you punish a 10 year old who murders?
Intense psychotherapy. See if there is a person able to be a decent person left in this child. If not, he will probably spend his life incarcerated one way or another, if so, you rehabilitate him and hope to hell the flashbacks aren't too bad.
Thulsa Doom said:
Now what do you do here exactly? You cant put a 10 year old in prison for life. How do you punish a 10 year old who murders?

put him into a juvenile home until he's old enough to be in an adult prison?????????????
Put his parents in prison until he's old enough to get a job and bail them out.

In the meanwhile...group home. Bathshaw |Youth and Family Services.