17 Days - dangerous or deadly -left in Afghanistan


Well-Known Member
Some of you may know that my Brother-in-law is in Afghanistan with the Canadian Armed Forces (2RCHA). He comes back in 17 days (Feb2nd - Petawawa)


I'm happy right!! Wrong, I'm worried...why?

Bomb kills German peacekeepers in Afghanistan
Last Updated Mon, 09 Jun 2003 19:42:56
KABUL - Four German peacekeepers were killed and 10 wounded in Afghanistan Saturday in a suspected suicide bomb attack

These guys were suicide-bombed on their departure date...as they were packing into the plane to go home!!!


I hope that nothing like this happens to the Canadian troops on their return day

*hoping he gets home ok*
that's wretched...killed on your way home. Their families must be devastated :(

if brother in law isn't married send him my way and i'll cook him a nice roast dinner...he deserves it :)
I think everyone will keep their fingers crossed and have him in our prayers. Keep the faith and think positive thought that he will come home with no problems.
unclehobart said:
What is your brothers military operational speciality?

*knew not that deBish had a deBrother in deMilitary*

Bro-in-law. but he might as well be a brother to me.

He's a 'bombardier', which means that he works the long-range artillery and mobile artilery(sp?)

For this round though, he was part of a new Radar System being tried out in Afghanistan. This system is the best in the world...bar none :)

The Artillery Hunting Radar, or ARTHUR, was designed and built in the Nordic climes of Sweden and Norway to trace incoming fire.

When he comes out and back to Cannuck soil, he's probably going into Intelligence :)
Your brother and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Bish - I hope he makes it home safely!
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I can only imagine how stressed out you and your family must be right now. I truly hope he comes home safely. :sadhug:

Just to give you an idea...my wife's been wearing some of his old tags on and off... we heard the news last night from him via a phone call...she put them on and kept them on all night.

His mom's not taking it well either. :(
*holding a good thought for his safe return...

Psst....Bish...Artillery. Its right in the pic you posted...;)
Squiggy said:
Psst....Bish...Artillery. Its right in the pic you posted...;)

Yeah...figured that out after the fact, but I added the pic after the fact :(

It's not the right one..the pic..that's for the 1RCHA and Kev's in the 2RCHA...but close enough :)

Thanks for the support!