$20 million grant to help Indians reclaim land



ST. PAUL, Minnesota (AP) -- Millions of dollars descended from a railroad mogul's family was pledged to help tribal members reclaim millions of acres lost to fraud more than a century ago.

Link: http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/Midwest/11/13/indian.grant.ap/index.html

It's about time! :headbang:

i posted this thinking of you Shadowfax and your great knowlege of Indians[/siz]
tsk tsk... how racist can CNN be? The very term 'Indian' iteself is a misplaced moniker. They should be calling out the affected tribes by name.
I don't see any problem with the word. However, American Indian would probably be more appropriate because it could be confused with people from India.
I wonder

Could it have anything to do with the rail road company wanting to have use of a bit of the land.
Probably. Of course, the Native Americans will most likely really look over the contract carefully, as they remember, as a group, the last time they signed a contract for a land deal.