2006 BBQ Possibilities

Too bad the Manchester crowd didn't stay around. It would be their turn.

Luis... how many people can be stuffed into your place on a dare?
What ever you do don't run out of Nolvadex
or you'll grow bigger titties than Tonks fer sure.
If nobody else jumps out there, I'll run the idea past the boss. If somebody else does, so much the better.
HomeLAN said:
If nobody else jumps out there, I'll run the idea past the boss. If somebody else does, so much the better.

I vote for someone in Canada...preferably Ontario...secondly K-bec...I wanna go!! Next year I won't yet be in a position to host though...
Nixy said:
I vote for someone in Canada...preferably Ontario...secondly K-bec...I wanna go!! Next year I won't yet be in a position to host though...

Actually...scratch that...if it's late-ish summer I'll hopefully be in a position to travel a decent distance...I vote North America.
I'd host... if I thought I'd have the room and if I thought anyone would want to make the trip out here.